Encouraging new talent

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Encouraging new talent

My daughter, aged 12, loves writing. She has been following my ABC Tales experience for the last month and now has set up her own account. Should we have a separate 'youth' section or should they be treated completely equally?

I think equally - unless they want their own section....


That's an interesting question!


Used to be a Young ABC Tales, years ago (ask Tony) - and also a YUKA (Young UKAuthors). Both sort of faded away due to lack of funds and enthusiasm. Shame.

I think equal treatment is best.

We do have an rating system (U, PG, 12+ and 18+..I think there's one more between 12 and 18 not sure...). 

If your daughter is careful to check for these before she reads work around here, she should be all good. Most stuff I've seen rated 18+ isn't rated like this necessarily because of coarse language or sexual references,as one might think, but simply because the author thinks younger audiences wouldn't grasp the theme/s. I think the next best thing to do would be for you to check in with her on a regular basis to confirm that she's comfortable with the sort of material she's encountering on the website. 

As for finding an audience for her work, I think that shouldn't be a problem. There are people here willing to read the work of children and to offer feeback, I suppose.

I'm sure this will be a wonderful learning experience, for your daughter to grow as a writer. Good luck to you both. 

I think it would be brilliant to have a special section dedicated to very young writers on Abc. I still don't know what telecatching is and there are so many types of writing listed on Abc, so why not one for children?

I meet many children at school readings and signings and would love to tell those that have a flair for writing that there's a site for them to post their work. If there was a children's section on Abc, I'd be able to promote it to the max and would be very happy to do so. The amount of times I've been asked by parents, children and teachers if there's such a site is staggering, and even more staggering is that I don't have an answer for them.


I think a youth section would work well.  Great idea          Elsie

Hi all,

This sounds like a fantastic idea. I've created a new genre called 'Young Writers', to help. If young writers on ABC will be sure to tick the 'young writers' genre box (along with whatever else), it'll now be very easy to search for their work - effectively creating a new section! 

I agree with Marionella - I really don't think young writers will have a problem finding readers on ABC. The community is great about reading and commenting on anything, and I think young writers will generate a special interest.

Blighters - I really do think ABC is a good site to recommend to young writers. If we get enough response, we can even think about setting up a separate page (though I do think they may fit in well with the current set-up). Let's give it a go and see what happens.


Whilst I agree that there is a place for young writers on ABCtales we also spent a lot of money some years ago trying to develop YoungABCtales - but failed to get the backing necessary. Some years later my godson and his brother set up http://lendmeyourliteracy.com/(link is external) which is a terrific website for young people - and nowadays has all the requisite backing. If your daughter doesn't feel comfortable here then that would be the place to go!