Pick of the day

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Pick of the day

What happened to Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurday?

It's a fair point, and there's easily enough talent on the site to justify picking a piece each day as pick of the day.


I agree, but guess the Eds are just busy.  I'm not renting the space, honest!


I was just wondering. It just seemed to stop all of a sudden with no explanation.

Firstly, Canonnette, thank you for the carrier bagful of used tenners in the usual place. Secondly, apologies for the missing days. We've been featuring our magnificent winners on Facebook and Twitter. - it certainly wasn't for the lack of talent, as blighters so rightly points out. I hope you enjoy Thursday's belated pick!


Do you not get the news feeds from Facebook and Twitter Scorpio?


I think they mean the actual golden cherry pick which appears on the front page Scratch


Ah.  Ok.