Boy, 2, fined for refusing to attend Friend's Birthday Party

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Boy, 2, fined for refusing to attend Friend's Birthday Party

I heard about this on the news yesterday.

Apart from the fact that it is generally pathetic to fine a person of any age for refusing to attend a party, how can you fine a two-year-old who does not earn any money in the first place?  He refused to attend it only because the date of his friend's party clashed with his own grandfather's birthday party.  If you were only two years old, whose birthday party would you prefer to attend: that of a friend or that of your grandfather?

Not very sociable of the two year old though.I would fine him.


The two main gossip stories of yesterday's papers;

- toddler billed for absence at birthday party by unnamed mother 

- army man changes sex and stays in the forces

Wowee. Giving air to these meaningless, soul-sucking 'stories' just shows how empty we are as a nation. Media groups must think we're cattle the way they prod us with their mucky mind machines. The best response is to switch off the telly and stop buying/reading papers. Then we'll be the one with the power, ready for good things to pop into mind instead of this crap, and the media meddlers will have to find something else to do.


Have we not had enough "soul-sucking" stories, with the tragic events that happened in Paris just two weeks ago,  blighter's rock?  Surely, it is better to hear of something more lighthearted for a change