Booklet Published
Wed, 2015-04-29 12:06
Booklet Published
I hope this is allowed. I have self-published a booklet (100 pages) to The link to my book is....>>>
If you feel like buying it - be my guest it will be much appreciated. Thank you.
Terry Moore (pikeruk)
Hi Terry, your link doesn't work. It may be my end, but best of luck with your booklet and just check the link works.
link doesn't work. ouch.
OH sugar!!!&&&%%%$$ Very sorry about that. The best thing to do is go to web page...
and search in box for.... Even Mistresses Moan
That should get you the right page, meanwhile thanks for your good wishes and I apologise again for the c*&^ up.
pikeruk (Terry)
Now on Amazon, goto Amazon and search for...>>>
Even Mistresses Moan
Thanks for looking
pikeruk (Terry)