Five ideas that can save the Labour Party.

mary barbour and alex


  • Labour should drop the drawbridge between Oxbridge and the House of Commons and allow its putative MPs to mingle with the common herd. The thaumaturgic touch may heal the collective illusion of knowing what they’re doing.
  • The third world war has begun – it’s called global warning. Labour should stop the Panda watch at Edinburgh zoo which costs hundreds of thousands of pounds and subsidises the Chinese economy. We should import polar bears. A cheaper option and we wouldn’t need to turn the heating on, adding to species diversity and contributing to a decline in global warming.
  • Ban boredom. We are producing the wrong kind of children. Mainly poor and uneducated. Each child should be issued with an abacus. This low-tech approach would be cheap, help with abc and basic numeracy.
  • We need more statues not statutes. A statue of Mary Barbour, for example, who helped lead the rent strikes during World War One against avaricious landlords cashing in on a dearth of housing was supported by Alex Ferguson and would have international appeal.
  • Equity swaps. We could re-brand the Southern General Hospital, a public investment of around £850 million, and call it the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and maybe Her Majesty would allow some sick children a wee trip on the Royal Yacht doon the water on the boat built for her also by public funds.


These might just help, but somehow I don't think they are going to be enough on their own!

Steer clear of fiddling about any further with Sunday trading laws. Let the Tories fiddle about with those if they feel its going to win them any votes from real people!

The acceptance by those without of the conduct of those with might be worth looking at.


nothing can save the Labour Party. It's basically fucked. SNP rules Scotland and has influence but no power. Tory propaganda put them in the driving seat of the economy and even though they crashed and burned are seen as better drivers than Labour. There's no way back for Labour. The best they can hope for is a coalition with SNP in the next, next Parliament. Give it 10 years or 12. Don't be young, Don't be poor. Don't expect any help. 


We need a new toilet tax and a department specializing in pairing up odd socks to prevent a Lone Sock attack