Who would you like to be President Of The United States?

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Who would you like to be President Of The United States?

I suggest Steve Guttenberg as Mahoney and the rest of the Police Academy cast as his cabinet

for example, Captain Eugene Tackleberry could be Secretary for Defence.


Dali lama is my series one

Snoop.dog..another good one.


Stephen d

Nigel Farage could play Spock. 


If I was American then me! (as an English woman I shall settle for Prime Minister). My vote goes to Hudsonmoonsmiley

What would be gracefull for the next eon years a black person as president so to say sorry properly preferably a black female.

Sorry for the repeat post had a couple of congacs and saying what ive said I aint trying to potray myself as mr human rights but well yeah another mr obama soon hopefully.


Stephen d

Perhaps America should go for a real comedian next? or a top merchant banker?

Perhaps after those of very low intelligence and those of no moral value, America should try a human being for President? 


Yeah someone who cares about fixing humanity.

Who says

" we are all brothers and sisters all equal, we will help each other look out for each other be there for each other. Those days of me first money talks are over. It is time for an age of humanity of unconditional love for all for every citizen. We shall despair no more.

Sumink like that should be the speech. Live in hope for that day.

Stephen d

Connected to this or not is a book called the pyscopath theory by john ronson.

Stephen d

Elsie, If I were president I wouldn't put up walls. I would put up nice frilly lace curtains. Can you imagine hundreds of miles of said curtains billowing in a warm summer breeze? And, of course, I'd make it mandatory that everyone wear rose-colored glasses, silk robes and slippers. It's such a simple solution to world peace. It's a wonder know one's thought of it before. You're welcome.

Rich xx


How lovely. You know Rich I have never been sure about 'one man, one vote'. I would vote for you at least ten timessmiley

Stuart Copeland. Maybe he could sort out The Police.