Under Lock and Key



Under Lock and Key highlights many of the problems discussed in caring for vulnerable people with complex needs. This shows how 'total institutions' work. I tackled this theme directly in my unpublished novel Hut's and more indirectly (I like to think in a Hitchcock fashion) in my novel Lily Poole. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lily-Poole-Jack-ODonnell/dp/1783522356


I shall make myself a strong cup of tea and watch at least part of this.I have been on both sides of the social care divide, it happens a lot. I've been there as a responsible member of staff working in supported accomodation projects, hostels in old money,  and also been there as one of the vulnerable adults. Thank G-d these days I have nothing to do with any of itsmiley

thank god too elsie, strong tea and phewww. there but for the grace...