Joe Biden wins
Posted by celticman on Sat, 07 Nov 2020
I’m delighted. I kept checking the US election results in the same way I usually check the football results to see how my team, Celtic, are doing. I get it. I really do. I’m not American. I was not going to influence the almost 75 million polled votes for Joe Biden, nor the just over 70 million votes for Donald J Trump. For the last five years I’ve called him the moron’s moron. He is no more.
When the 45th United States President was elected, I said he’d won the biggest beauty contest in the world. I naively thought that the scrutiny would unman him, even unPresident him. Like Narcissist looking into a pool of water he would somehow fade away. The opposite happened. The moron’s moron claimed, with some justification, he ‘could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters’.
20 000 Trump lies later, fact-checked by the New York media, we’re back in 2016. Trump didn’t expect to win in 2016. All his crooked-Hillary lies were in place for Trump to claim he should have won and could have won and he’ll win next time. Next time he’ll drain the swamp. The has-been President will find, once more, that Rupert Murdoch won’t be taking his calls. Fox New has already made that screeching U-turn and asked him—at the very end, when it’s no longer needed—to behave like a President.
The has-been President will find all that other people’s money he’s been using in a Ponzi scheme will begin to unravel. The buck will begin to stop here. And he won’t be able to pay his creditors. Especially, his foreign creditors.
What of the former President’s tax returns? That should make interesting copy and should at least keep the moron’s moron in the news.
Allegations of rape and sexual assault that have been kept at arm’s length by litigation and, like so many others such as Weinstein, Cosby and Jackson, by a wall of money. That should make good copy too.
We’ll be able to find out more about how Russia was involved in the 2016 election. It might even be worth looking again at the Senate’s roll in failing to impeach the former President for his role in tarnishing the current President.
We might even find out more how Facebook and Cambridge Analytical stitched up the Presidential election of 2016 and the Brexit vote by targeting voters. Despite this, no one much was calling the 2016 election fake news. Trump won, so it must be true.
All of these things may come to pass or may not. Truth is variable. I wish the very worst thing that could happen to the moron’s moron. We follow the lead of New Zealand Prime Minister—and not just in the battle against Covid-19—Jacinda Ardern, and refuse to name evil, give it a face, give it a voice. Silence the moron’s moron. Not giving him house room. Laughing at him. Giving the peddler of hate and his childish rants the respect he deserves. That’s all I ask. Count the carnage of Covid-19. The moron’s moron… shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Sweet silence.
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Glad Biden won.
Glad Biden won.
Biden will have his work cut
Biden will have his work cut out, and the Democrats may not be the real answer to anyone's prayers, but yes, it is so good to think that whatever the Moron gets up to in the future, he won't have the megaphone of the presidency. Murdoch is a slimeball and a sorry excuse for a human being, but he's nobody's fool, and he's not going to waste time on yesterday's man. If they come up with a new, shiny, media savvy fascist though, it'll be another story.
I'm really looking forward to
I'm really looking forward to the 2024 election: Ivanka v Kamala Harris. Also the 2028 run-off between Don jnr and Chelsea Clinton. And I simply can't wait for the 2032 clash between Barron Trump & Malia Obama, after which I'll be so old I won't give a toss!
we're a dying breed. One
we're a dying breed. One election at a time. Kamala Harris is a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Lydon B Johnston and Harry Trauman are precedents. But hey, Joe Biden is so old he knew both these guys.