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Hiya everyone.
I've got some great news (for me anyway) I've just bought a new computer, the dinosaur is no more and has gone to have its guts ripped out, new guts installed and then it will move on to make someone elses life a misery.

Anyway not only do a I get to play on a computer that doesn't take half an hour to interpret every mouse click ..BUT also I get to use ABC my old computer hated this site (or vie-versa) I got booted with every click.
But I've been here fifteen minutes already, I've read and voted on a piece, mosied round a bit clickety click, clickety click, and look I'm still here.

Looking forward to lots of reading and voting .. hope they get the oft promised review section up and running soon. I think it's the only thing this site is lacking.

Oh happy day.

Sooz. :-)

Anonymous's picture
Thanks all. Got a morning off ... going to go now and do some reading.
Anonymous's picture
Mykle, I did indeed have to give away my old printer and go and buy a XP friendly one instead. Than God I could afford too.I've read two reports of what XP actually means: Experience, or Extreme Programming. Anyone any the wiser. Which is it?
Anonymous's picture
XP stands for 'two mysterious letters that sound cool and hi-tech, and have nothing to do with anything.'
Anonymous's picture
Oh happy day indeed :o) You probably had the "Disconnect after" setting on your dial up connection set too low, Sooz. Make sure you get a bit of sun while you can - ABC is available 24 hours a day (mostly).
Anonymous's picture
I know that feeling! Have many happy moments with your new computer!
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Now all you lot need is a broadband connection and then see how life really works! happy whizzing.
Anonymous's picture
My old computer was a non-internet, clunky but trusty Windows 95. My new one is 5 months old, now, and it's amazing how zippy and generally cool it all is. I can also say that I like XP, although originally it messed with my head. Nothing was where I remembered it being. Still, I'm so happy 'cos your so happy. Huzzah!
Anonymous's picture
Apart from the shortage of device drivers and incompatabilty with some older programs, XP is great - Windows 2000 with go faster stripes and extra polish.
Anonymous's picture
Try it in Dutch *grumble mumble groan whinge* Welcome back, Sooz!
Anonymous's picture
Got broadband...and now? Does it translate, too?
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