Guardian Poetry Playoff

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Guardian Poetry Playoff

I've just discovered that Eddie won last month's playoff and so is reigning champion- congrats to you, Eddie! I've also dicovered that I'm one of the contenders - trust me to to try and do battle with such a brilliant poem from Mr. Gibbons! Anyway, it's all further good news for the ABC stable - let's keep bashing on the Guardian's doors!

Anonymous's picture
a very close call between all 3 this month...and i see the other contender is abc's darling young scot too...crikey
Anonymous's picture
Sorry - didn't realise, congrats to him too!
Anonymous's picture
great stuff ...
Anonymous's picture
can someone please include the link again to that site ? (you know ... in red so i can click on it)
Anonymous's picture
Oh yes, really chuffed for you all - whooooooooooooooh! **sulking, seething with jealousy just like every other poet on this thing** how do i enter this thing? i'll show ya! the world will be mine oh miiiiiiiiineeeeeee ha ha hah ha *evil laugh in james bond style baddie stylee*
Anonymous's picture
Here's the link, sorry Freda, I don't know how to make it clickable here, but all you have to do is copy and paste it into the URL address line. Hurry up and send a poem in Paul, it's easier than world domination!,5917,94815,00.html
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