So what's all thi8s about an ABC dating agency then?

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So what's all thi8s about an ABC dating agency then?

Have we had any hat buying events yet? I think I'd make an excellent professional wedding guest. I was once accused of being a professional mourner by a crematorium usher. I attended thirteen client funerals in about four months. Is there a nice bloke out there for Sooz? ... Nah! I don't think there's been a man invented yet that would be suitable. Not sure what my requirements are, but I don't recon he's to be found on this planet. Not that I'm fussy mind, anyone with a heartbeat would be eligible, I'm sure my last two partners expired some years before I met them. So having given up all hope of finding Luuuurrrve ages ago. Hows about an ABC pizza delivery service, Ice-cream van, mobile bar, bank, dog walking service, express laundry,maid service.

Anonymous's picture
damned if i know sooz .... this place is thick with rumours ...
Anonymous's picture
*wanders past thread disinterestedly*
Anonymous's picture
Well, it's alright for YOU L! You've got one, like. My sympathies are entirely with Sooz on this matter. I rest my case. And I am unanimous in that.
Anonymous's picture
At this rate the human race will die out in a couple of generations.
Anonymous's picture
i'm not even specific enough to be looking for a NICE bloke anymore .....................
Anonymous's picture
*suggests avoiding use of the word "bloke" in same thread with Mississippi* :))) *refers to ancient thread remembered only by the elders of the tribe*
Anonymous's picture
could i still find this thread?
Anonymous's picture
yes.. use *bloke* in the search engine. or ask missi. he wont mind, hes a decent bloke... *runs away*
Anonymous's picture
missi is a great bloke ... he has all threads stored on cdrom and has an incredibly retentive memory for everything anyone ever said ...
Anonymous's picture
Hay I'll go along with all the nice things that I have just read about Missi and as this thread is about a dating agency and Missi has dumped me because he thinks I'm a tart, his words not mine and sad as the case may be, I am running this show........Like boss of and all that. None of you will get your hands on him with your nice words alone, because I am!!! the Boss Lady, I will first vet you, as he deserve's only the best and nothing less so be prepared for a right grilling as I am still interested in him even if he doesn't feel the same about me. Not saying you won't pass my vigorous test but you have got to be exceptional because even though he has put me through unconsoleable grief I won't tolorate the same for him so don't say you wern't warned. Now I'm ready First person Come in please Ar shut the door dear Take a seat We'll start shall we Name...
Anonymous's picture
Great bloke indeed he is...oops became Yoda ( am attempting to jump on the walls with lightsabre in hand attacking my grandfather!)
Anonymous's picture
I have a lot of time for Missi. I respect what he has to say. iceman
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