Got my first agent rejection letter
Sun, 2003-06-29 19:58
Got my first agent rejection letter
On Saturday
Another cherry burst
Oh well only a few hundred left
Agents not cherries
My novel's nearly finished, so what larks I have ahead of me trying to get it published
Though unlike my first one (now lost in my many moves unfortunately) the wonderful world of POD/self publishing at least means I know it will not stay still-born in my computer. Tho, whether my readership ever reaches double figures is another question
I'd like to read it Tony.
Thanks Andoru, nine to go :-)
Seriously tho, when you're nearing the end of your lonely climb all encouragement helps, so thanks again
I'm serious as well. I know I'm not an agent or a publisher but if you give me the URL's to any chapters on here or email me a chapter or so as a word attachment to I'd be glad to have a read of it. Might come in useful (publishing-wise) some time. I'll be doing some more submissions and agent scouting towards the end of the year and there are always people I can bear in mind if I, or anyone, does come across any promising contacts. That's what it's all about, isn't it?
Will do Andrew, cheers
I haven't put it on here, because of possible copyright difficulties (I'm still hoping to sell it at present-fat chance doubtless)
but I'll gladly mail you a few chapters
all criticism welcomed, honestly.
Anyway, I'll e-mail you with some stuff, hopefully today
Thanks again for encouragement
Hi Andrew
You have mail :-)
cool.. received ..will get printing and reading ..cheers.
No probs :-)
Tony, never give up hope. I am a member in a writing group and the standard is very high. Everyone there has the same outlook as yourself, but don't put yourself down, you never know. A trick one of them learnt is to go to as many writing festivals and suck-up to the agents.
Mmmm thanks for the encouragement Tony, and the good idea.
It is about time I got myself to the occasional festival, tho there's sucking up and sucking up of course :-)
Read the chapters Tony (last night, one sitting) and thought they were great. Delightfully irreverent, chaotically Rabelaisian.. and you have a great talent at describing drunken no-holds-barred shagging, fantastic.
Only criticism would be to tighten up last couple of chapters ..think you mentioned this yourself. Specifically the scene at Danny's mates barbecue.. stuff with all the joking and bap-throwing (sometimes couldn't tell who was speaking etc)..
Reading it was great and felt I was feeding on a lot of the energy you had whilst writing it.. really got the impression that you enjoyed writing it. Loved the smilies and cracked up when I read the bit about the dancing bears and the stick-couple shagging.
If you choose to tighten this bit up don't do it to the point where you've lost that great rolling energy since I think that is probably what is your most marketable strength. Think it is only a matter of time before a publisher picks this up, really do.
Any more chapters would be greatly appreciated.. just email me whenever you feel like it.
Cheers for the feedback Andrew.
I've reworked Chapter five already, indeed have revised all of opening chapters, but I'll look at it (and them) again in view of your comments.
Then I'll send you it and some more, as I really value your opinion, and constructive criticism is so valuable.
I've had another agent rejection (e-mail this time, as I'm trying the e-mail submission route as well) but your wonderful feedback gives me renewed 'energy'.
Thanks again, I'll keep in touch.
I might start to approach publishers too.
At least, unlike my first 'lost' novel, I know that this one (health permitting etc, -i'm fine BTW, just a typical caveat of a neurotic writer) will see the light of day, or at least cyberspace, as I will definitely go down the POD route, if I can't get any 'conventional' publishers interested.
Thanks again.
I f you ever want me to look at any of your stuff, just mail me :-)
Don't be disheartened! Keep honing your writing. Someone will just love it and you'll never look back.
But if you get sick of waiting - you can always try (Offset Paperback Manufactuers - Print ON Demand) who will do an on-line quote and there is no obligation. Surprise yourself. Try it. Put in the number of pages with the minimum (20 books) copies and see how little it will cost to have a paperback in your hand. Of course the quote is without freight.
I have very recently published my own book of poetry 'Hidden Capacity ~ a poet's journey' at very low cost, all done on the net and I am very, very happy with the quality. The book looks great! I did it all myself through the net... submitted via email... so investigate.
And good luck with your writing.
Cheers Reel
Hi Tony,
As others have said, don't give up; you've probably heard this a million times, but all the great authors were rejected a zillion times before someone saw the light! So one rejection is nothing (although I know it doesn't feel like that! LOL!).
Approaching publishers rather than agents is an even harder route to do down, as most aren't accepting submissions from new writers. Agents are definitely your best bet (although many of them aren't accepting new writing either...).
Being new here, I don't know how au fait you are with the way to present your work to an agent (for example, one or two spelling errors can mean that your MS is tossed aside, no matter how great the storyline), or whether you realise how important an opening line/chapter is to make your work stand out from the slush pile. And are you sending your opening chapters and synopsis to agents that deal in your particular genre?
Ignore my rambling if I'm stating the obvious!
But keep trying, and good luck!
Thanx Ros :-)
Oh how I wish this was my first rejection :-)
I wrote my first novel back in the 80s and gave up with it after numerous knockbacks.
Thanx also for the tips, don't worry I rigorously check my work for spelling, grammar etc. (For many years I've worked in various editorial and journalistic capacities, so I'm pretty hot on that- though we all miss 'em on occasions)
I've also written plays, TV scripts, musicals, used to write a lot of songs with various bands, and have lterally hundreds of poems on this site, and hey guess have had endless rejections in those fields too. I've also had the the occasional success as well, which always to keep one going :-)
I guess I thought by posting my initial woe on here I might get some useful feedback and I have, thanks to all who've helped, especially Andrew, of course.
It's a good point you make about the opening chapter (s). I don't want to make them overly dramatic so as to 'unbalance the book' but you're right you have to draw the reader in.
I've had some invaluable feedback from Andrew on my work, already.
I wonder if you'd like to read my first chapter?
I can tell from your post you're a very knowledgeable and experienced person in this field. Also it would be great to get a female perspective, (I assume Ros is a female name) because, guess what a lot of the book is concerned with that 'male-female thing :-)'
Naturally, please say 'no' if you're busy, don't want to, whatever, just say 'no'!! :-)
But if you would like to, I'd be grateful, because as you know the first three chapters are a typical agent's request, but presumably the first chapter has to b good to get them to read the other two.
Anyway thanx for your advice and encouragement, very welcome :-)
BTW Ros, just read your story 'Error of judgement'. Very sexy :-) and good the way you kept the narrative/story line going along, using the erotic imagery to help drive the story as well as my gonads :-) Gave it a big fat five on the vote button!
funnily enough the main female character in my novel is called Vicky, (no relation, surely :-) Great minds etc!
Hi, Tony!
I'd love to read the first chapter, but I don't have time at the moment. I'll get back to you in a month or so, if that's okay?
Thanks for the vote of confidence on Error of Judgement - much appreciated!
thanx a lot Ros, get back whenever u want :-)
no hurry, gonna take a fair few months to get this finished
had another agent rejection yesterday BTW
but as I say, no way does it discourage me, cos I will go POD if necessary, this one's gonna see the light even if only in cyberspace :-)
Hi Sweet Kitty :-)
Thanx for encouragement, and info is v.useful, this site looks well good!