The Critique Service

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The Critique Service

am very interested in how this is going ... it was a brilliant suggestion from andrew ...

i'd like to know what the response has been like ... have many people mailed you emily to put their pieces bravely forward???

and how many crits have people received on their work?

could we have some regular feedback about how it's going?



Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Dear Ivory, I've had 5 people request critiquing so far and have heard from Barry that he's received nine critiques so it seems that it's working rather well. Congrats Andrew for a great idea! Maybe if everyone who's critiqued could post a message in this forum on how it was for them, it would be a good way of keeping everyone updated? Cheers Emily
Anonymous's picture
I only received one (absolutely excellent) crit from Ivory - but no-one else- I was very very disappointed. I critiqued one of Barry's (sorry Barry)and intend having a go at the one up today at some stage - it would be useful to know how it goes - from other people.
Anonymous's picture
A brilliant idea from Andrew. I'll put myself up for the slaughter as soon as I can muster the nerve (or down enough Guinness not to care). And yet another good one from you, Bone...
Anonymous's picture
Hello All, Big breath, tiny ego: so here goes. Hotel Encounters (of the naughty kind). Ta jag :>)
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Sorry Gabrielle - I did intend to critique yours, but had problems with my connection. Post the name of the piece and I will do it. In my defence, I think I have posted a critique of your story about Paris on one of these threads in the past. I hope that everyone who submits a request then goes on to critique other people, then the whole thing will snowball and become useful. I don't necessarily log on every day, so if I don't contact people with a reply it doesn't mean I didn't read it or hated it. And Gabrielle - although you only got one detailed critique, wasn't it more useful than any number of stars ?
Anonymous's picture
Thanks Andrew: Yes the critique I got was wonderful. The piece under discussion was 'Dubrovnik' - my only poem posted on this site so far. And yes you did say some good stuff about 'In Paris' when I first posted - I think it was your encouragement that kept me using the site.
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
I've "put myself up for the slaughter" as Andrea so aptly phrases it, and I believe the piece will be appearing on Tuesday (or there abouts). I'd decided against taking part in this initially, because I felt that for me at least it would come across as a request for commendations and praise and so forth, and that's not really my style. However my reasons for requesting a critique of this particular piece is that it is so far removed from my regular style that I feel quite unsure about it. I hereby invite anyone to tear the piece to pieces ("Tear the piece to pieces?" - What terrible writing). I promise not to be offended in the slightest. I've never tried this style before and am really, really not sure if it works or not. For the first time in a long while, I feel nervous about my writing. Normally I just write because I enjoy it, which is really what counts with me. And I did enjoy writing this piece but ..... I'm rambling, aren't I? Sorry. Secondly, my e-mail (Outlook Express) out-box has packed up, so though I can receive e-mails, I can no longer send them from Outlook. Does that make sence? So apologies to all who've e-mailed me recently, and further apologies to all brave fellow critiques. I am reading them but unable to reply through Outlook. Kind regards, Karl
Anonymous's picture
A couple of days ago - a guy called Danny Edgar put up a story for critique - I got to read it over this weekend and made some comments - when I logged on to send the crit - he doesn't appear to have posted an e mail address - if your there Danny - please can I send my crit to you? Or is it posted up somewhere and I'm just too stupid to see it?
Anonymous's picture
Hi Barry and Andrea, Barry, many thanks again for your opinion. Andrea, thanks to you as well. I will look into your proposals and will let you know how it all goes. Thanks for the honest and kind critique. jag :>)
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Many thanks to all who critiqued my piece "High on Kai", especially Barry, Andrea, Mary and Kris (Primate). Barry, I loved your comment on the negatives being resolved by myself. I have many years experience in responding to insulting communication, and actually rub my hands in glee everytime I've managed to upset someone enough for them to give me the literary finger. I'm an old hand at that game. There's no greater fun than winding someone up who has no sense of humour. Some people just don't seem to get it. If you send a writer an insulting e-mail, you're really putting yourself in the frame for a well thought out and completely insulting single digit salute. (Remind me to tell you about the bird from California sometime). Unfortunately, I have such respect for writers that on this site, at least, I don't seem to have rubbed anyone's dick in the dirt yet. I'm sure I'll manage it soon. Andrea, I read your piece today and enjoyed it immensely. So much so, in fact, that I read a stack more of your stuff and enjoyed it even more. I felt that the ending in "Keeping Up Appearances" was fairly predictable, but that takes nothing away from the style of writing or even the enjoyment of reading your work. And suffice to say, I didn't guess the ending in any of your other pieces. I would enjoy keeping a book of your short stories on the bedside cabinet. Sorry, we're not supposed to critique in the message-board section, are we? It's just that I can't respond to e-mails at the moment. Mary, thanks for your thought and opinions. They're much appreciated. Rob's a tough guy, he'll sort himself out. And I think we can work through Peter's challenge between us all. Kris, you funny bastard. I'll keep practicing as you suggest. You make a good point in mentioning that close to the end you were losing track of who was speaking. So was I! And I wrote the bloody thing. The problem here is that when I originally penned it I wrote Craig and Vini's voices in italics. Unfortunately, as I'm sure you're aware, you can't post any italics on this site. You can't write them and you can't post them (nor bold or underlined). When I copied the poem onto the site the italics were replaced with ..... well, with ordinary writing. Otherwise the poem would be easier to read. Once again, thanks to everyone.
Barry Wood
Anonymous's picture
You're most welcome, Karl. Please drop me an e-mail when your e-mail is up and running. My best to you, Karl.
Anonymous's picture
Well, this critique service thing is brilliant - a big round of applause for Andrew is in order, methinks. My thanks, too, to everyone who took the time and trouble to read 'Appearances' and send such constructive and helpful advice. Gosh thanks, Karl - I'm quite overwhelmed! I actually do have a book of shorts out at the mo. If you're really interested, I can send you more info... Thanks again to all.
Anonymous's picture
the merest mention of the word "service" makes me weak at the knees - can anyone oblige me?
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Andrea, Yes please!!! Let us all know where we can get hold of a copy. Don't be bashful. Like it or not, we have an online community here. The least we can do is support each other. But apart from that, I really would like to read your book. So, where can I purchase one from?
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