If your life depended upon it, would you rather kiss...

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If your life depended upon it, would you rather kiss...

Jeffrey Archer after he'd just eaten a round of prison marmite on toast OR David Mellor after a couple of cigars?

Anonymous's picture
Could Ms Widdicombe and her 'bloke' be one and the same ? aka. Superman & Mr Kent ? Jekyll & Hyde ? etc. Has anyone ever seen Anne W. & Bernard Manning together ? I hope this theory is correct because I don't even want to think of her dulcet tones screaming out at the height of passion; "yes, yes, give it to me big boy." I hope it's not Robin Cooke. Imagine the children.
Anonymous's picture
Jeffrey Archer, definitely. I love Marmite anyway, and l could always close my eyes and concentrate on the delectable whiff of beef......
Anonymous's picture
ok, now I'm upping the stakes a bit. Exchanging bodily fluids with.....?
Anonymous's picture
oh REALLY Jane, thats just too much. I've just eaten my dinner as well.....
Anonymous's picture
......... on the other hand, is there any money in it?
Anonymous's picture
If it's a toss up(!) between Archer or Mellor, I'll keep me fluids to meself, ta!
Anonymous's picture
Meant the expanse of sea, not the perfume (or clobber)... Sorry.
Anonymous's picture
can we chose to snog or slurp others..Ann Widdicombe or Alistair Cooke? (just trying to open up the gender inbalance) I'd chose Alistair.....if my life depended on it, but I'd have to wear a blindfold
Anonymous's picture
Well, if you put it like that, I 'spose it'd have to be Alistair...provided HE wore a binliner...and I had cyanide pills for afters.
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Okay then, who would you rather shag - Ann Widdicombe or Margaret Thatcher?
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
I thought Ann Widdicombe was a bloke.
Anonymous's picture
A goat?
Anonymous's picture
I think she/he was Friar Tuck in a previous life....Anyone want to share bodilies with her/him?
Anonymous's picture
No.. work with it: " AW flails across the chanel as Big Bernard grasps the chair leg screaming More More????? AW pours the duty free bottle of his belly and......... I bet you could better me on that one... Oh blimey I only just home from work and already I feel the level of barminess rising
Anonymous's picture
Someone told me t'other day that Friar Tuck aka AW had a new love and was lumbering around with a twinkle in her peepers. Wonder where he got his info from...?
Anonymous's picture
could he himself be Friar Widdie's secret love...bit a ghastly thought though Widdie with twinkle....bit eeeek that really...
Anonymous's picture
Bit unlikely that, Kim. Distance would've kept them apart. The thought of the unsavoury Friar flailing accross the chanel is not a pleasant one...
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