Whats your Dream/Ideal job?

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Whats your Dream/Ideal job?

If you could be, whatever you wanted to be....what would you be doing?

I wish I'd pursued photo journalism. When I wanted to study it, my parents were refused the money for a grant, and back then we were poor, so it was no go. (No, l didnt walk 5 miles to school and live in a box on the road, but you get my drift)
When I was older, life got in the way, and I had already fallen into a different career...

Anyone else?

Anonymous's picture
For ten years I worked in theatre. Every day was like going to meet my mates and have a good time. And they paid us too. Bliss. We once did a two day fashion show involving many top models and page three girls of the time. It fell to me to be backstage (the temporary dressing area) and help these poor girls into and out of their already skimpy clothes before they rushed back on stage. (They were too busy combing their hair.) I became an expert on every type of fastening invented. Mainly wasted since ! For two days I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
I have to agree with both Martyn and Roy. I've had some great times in my life. Five years on the road in America springs to mind, along with almost four years in Portugal. They were wonderful times, although very different. But we'll never get those times back again. And that saddens me. However, we move on, and what I have now - a family life with a wife and little boy who not only love me but put up with me - is far more satisfying. I wouldn't change my quiet life for anything in the world now. I'm made a lot of great friends on my travels, and those, along with the memories, will always be there.
Anonymous's picture
I would love to be a proof reader/editor, anything where I could rip the @!#$ out of the efforts of other people. Know what I mean, Gal?
Anonymous's picture
I would like to be a writer (sob). Actually, I would like to be a psychologist. Or (drools) Jude Law's dresser. Oh, I can't decide....
Anonymous's picture
Fecky I am sure I don't know WHAT you're getting at. Wofie; Judes UNdresser would be a better job.......
Anonymous's picture
Well, I guess I'm just happy where I am. Easily pleased, me...
Anonymous's picture
Oh, nice one, Karl. Yes, I agree absolutely. You don't want to hear about some of my escapades. Ah, the quite life... Luv it.
Anonymous's picture
My ideal job is not to have "job" but just for it to be financially viable to pursue life wherever it runs..stories..songs..baking bread....watching plants grow....walking in the countryside...joining other such priviledged beings to create wonderously entertaining stuff....just Being.. Head in clouds huh? ah well........well done Andrea for being so happy..that's good to hear....
Anonymous's picture
When I was at school and college, I studied art, music and drama. They were great days! I used to have piano, drum, guitar and steel drum lessons, as well as being in theatre productions. Sadly however, when I left education my mum and dad would no longer indulge my dreams of being an actress or musician and over the few years following college I was gradually worn down by the "you will never make a living out of it!" from my parents. I really regret giving into the "look for a career" thing, and wish I had stuck to my guns about what I really wanted to do. As Liana said earlier, my folks were pretty skint too, and once you leave school or college these doors are suddenly shut to you. I know I could still do those things I dreamed about, but I am 26 now and feel as though I have missed my chance. I don't have afamily of my own yet, and don't think I want kids anyway, but somewhere in the back of my mind I think its "time" to start planning for them. (mum and dad wearing me down again!) As for what the rest of you, and the dreams you desire, I think you are almost there anyway, judging by what I have seen of your work! (although I am prepared to duel with handbags at ten paces for the Jude Law dressing/undressing job!)
Anonymous's picture
I always wanted to be a lawyer. Advocate, (in Scotland). Would never have worked for the rich, always wanted to plead for the under priveliged etc. Come to think of it I do that now!!!! AJ
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Once in Florida we were invited to the home of an amazing man for dinner. His name was Bert Smidt and his wife was the President of Columbia Pictures. Bert's dead now sadly, but he cooked an English Sunday roast specially for us, including roast potatoes. After dinner Bert began to speak ..... and he was fascinating. He was an author, a script writer and an artist. He had an incredible home, built completely on stilts, which he designed himself. It was self-insured to cover the risk from tornados. You had to go outside a lot and walk along little bridges to reach other rooms in the house. He had an AMAZING study. Amongst other jobs, Bert worked as a "location finder" and that would be my dream job. For someone to say, "Karl, we're looking for a low-life bar, underneath a bridge, with a view of the desert and with tumbleweeds rolling on past. Here's a corporate credit card. Off you go. See you when you get back." That would suit me. I'd be good at that.
Anonymous's picture
Having taught (unqualified) after school, I was totally put off teaching by a crap postgrad. course - which I abandoned after two terms. Then, having been turned down for a commission at Westbury - bet that's a first for this site - I was able to take up teaching on account of my degree counting as a qualification. I loved it - but after twelve years I wanted a change, so we bought a failing restaurant two hundred miles away. Yeah, despite the joys of potato peeling and dealing with the health inspectors, leaking pipes and insecure Victorian plaster ceilings, it was great.. we were our own bosses, at least in theory, and it felt good despite the exhaustion. Now, having retired early (VERY early), I can say that this is finally our ideal.. relative poverty in exchange for freedom to write, stroll in the countryside and please ourselves. This is it, my ideal, and I never want to relinquish this freedom again. Fingers crossed..
Anonymous's picture
I want to be a writer. I don't want to start any career or ever have a job because I'm lazy and I want to spend all my time reading and writing. I'd love to get paid for it. It seems sad that life doesn't work that way and I'll have to do something dull in order to survive that will quench my creativity and suck my energy away. The only way I can think of to get out of it is to marry someone rich and to pretend to be a housewife. But if I want to marry someone who is creative too, they'll probably be just as poor as me. So I guess I'll be dragged into employment kicking and screaming... *sob*
Anonymous's picture
emily! ... do NOT get sucked into a career ... write!
derek 'n' clive
Anonymous's picture
"pulling lobsters from jane mansfield arse"
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Ideally, I would like to plan bank robberies. Or at the very least, make heist movies. Or be a full-time conman like John Cusak in The Grifters. (I have a very wonderful cheque fraud that I have just devised and I am trying to figure out a story to wrap round it) Writing dialogue. In writing terms, there's nothing I like better. I'd love to just get a script for Eastenders with the plotlines and write some bloody proper dialogue.
Anonymous's picture
a writer... it would be great if I could make a living out of writing. I wish it was possible. All the other jobs that are open to me at the moment are dull low waged soul destroying jobs that leave you feeling burnt out at the end of the week. My ideal jobs are ones that involve creativity. I love to be creative, I can do a job that involves creativity for hours and hours and it doesn't feel like work. I have this dream of oneday writing a script and directing a movie. I would also like to teach Tai chi chuan oneday. Though not at the moment as I've only been doing it for two years and still have a lot of training to do. Maybe after ten years of Tai chi training I will start teaching then.
Anonymous's picture
I'd like to be a 'hitman' for the millions of people who are pissed off with all those letters etc from Tom '*******' Champagne telling them he has half a million quid he can't wait to give them!
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
At one time I wanted to work in publishing....didn't get to do it, subsequently met people who did and was glad I didn't. Of course it would be lovely to write one great book like catch in the rye, live on royalties, become a reclusive, in a million dollar home.....shout at and threaten photographers.....create rumours that I'm working on another masterpiece...and just spend all my time playing computer games or going fishing...
Anonymous's picture
For several years now, there's been a regular advert in the national press. "Get paid to read books." I think it's some kind of freelance proofreader course. It sounds like a too easy to be true scam to me... but.... ? I wonder if anyone on ABC has followed this up ? Did it lead to any work ? Is it a waste of money & effort ? NB. Similar to Andrews bank robber ambitions, I remeber seeing Cary Grant in a film (To Catch A Thief ??) and for years after, I wanted to be a Cat Thief. Still, I suppose you get lots of time for writing in prison !
Anonymous's picture
Good eve Liana I had ny dream job for 5 years on and off, i was lucky enough toi have lived in Evissa (Ibiza to the bloodsucking rats out there who've abused and sold it out). There i found a lttle cafe' and i used to go and sit there amd watch the sunsets, and listen to the music played by Jose' (Padilla). These were and always will be the most special times in my life, and when the owners of Cafe' del Mar asked my to become the first ever PR for the cafe i had the biggest smile on my face you ever saw. So you see i had my dream job and if i could go back to that time we would'nt be having this chat now as i'd be there already - but dreams only last as long as they dreams. You see reality has a slightly bitter taste best left alone sometimes. Peace Martyn.
Anonymous's picture
Maybe that should be cat burglar. I don't want to steal cats. Then again I don't want to burgle them !! I think I'll shut up now before I get arrested.
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