Happy bunny

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Happy bunny

Thanks for my cherry Ed's it's been months and months since I've managed to get one so I'm dead chuffed. :-)

Cherry Ade
Anonymous's picture
There's nowt so cheery as a cherry. There's nowt so dreary as a Cherie. (Lao Tzu) 600 BC
billy big boy
Anonymous's picture
If you need 'cherries' to justify your writing you should just give up. cherries? christ
Anonymous's picture
No you shouldn't give up; cherries don't justify your writing but they do encourage it. There's a new writer turned up today with an excellent short story which Liana has cherry-picked and posted on the "Discuss ABCTales" discussion group. Only a few weeks ago I was in the same position; I'd no idea whether I'd written anything of value or whether it was all dreadful self-indulgent crap. Cherries, and the voting system, at least gives me some idea what's appreciated (and what isn't).
Anonymous's picture
Everybody likes a bit of encouragement Billy, and I hope I never get blaze (with one of those french things to stop it going up in flames!) enough to not get excited about a cherry. It's been a long while since I've had one and yes I'm not ashamed to admit it did make my day. Ta Neil.
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