Happy bunny
Fri, 2003-01-24 20:21
Happy bunny
Thanks for my cherry Ed's it's been months and months since I've managed to get one so I'm dead chuffed. :-)
There's nowt so cheery as a cherry.
There's nowt so dreary as a Cherie.
(Lao Tzu)
600 BC
If you need 'cherries' to justify your writing you should just give up.
No you shouldn't give up; cherries don't justify your writing but they do encourage it. There's a new writer turned up today with an excellent short story which Liana has cherry-picked and posted on the "Discuss ABCTales" discussion group. Only a few weeks ago I was in the same position; I'd no idea whether I'd written anything of value or whether it was all dreadful self-indulgent crap. Cherries, and the voting system, at least gives me some idea what's appreciated (and what isn't).
Everybody likes a bit of encouragement Billy, and I hope I never get blaze (with one of those french things to stop it going up in flames!) enough to not get excited about a cherry. It's been a long while since I've had one and yes I'm not ashamed to admit it did make my day. Ta Neil.