My book has gone from 144,000 to 73,000 in the sellers list.
Fri, 2003-02-07 12:46
My book has gone from 144,000 to 73,000 in the sellers list.
So a big thank-you to anyone who has bought it. My publisher thinks it's a mistake, but You've got to have faith haven't you. 73,000 wow that seems such a long way down. :-)
Hey, on any given day it might very well be in the top ten...if everyone agrees to order on the same day, it will zoom up the charts!
...not that I am suggesting manipulating the statistics, mind...
well done, Sooz!
Many congrats Sooz :-)
So how do we get the copies we agreed to buy in advance Sooz?
Thanks Missi saved me asking that especially as I don't
know a lot about these things but I think it was said that if
the plublisher has got people's addresses that Sooz was
asking for he would send them and bill them at the same
Hay what do I know...
Sorry forgot the most important words.
Great work done Sooz may you have a lot more to follow
and remember even the real top! ones started from were
you are now...
Thanks everybody. It's all really wierd. I know a lot of you have done this before, but it's a first for me and quite a buzz.
Okay I think I've confused people. Lizard's Leap is NOT the book I shamelessly begged orders for. That's my second book 'Better the Devil' which *should* be out in about five weeks. It will be sent directly from the publisher with an invoice to all the fantastic people who offered to buy it .
Lizard's Leap is my first book which came out last week.
My publisher sent my copies off today so they should arrive tmorrow. I can't wait to hold a copy of my book in my hand. Wow that's got to be a special feeling.
Thank you all again.
Wow, Sooz - I like the cover art! And am deeply envious of you, being able to hold the thing in your hands. More and more these days, it seems my fingers are crawling towards the holy vision of a 'book' form. The artefact - the marked pages - that's what we want!
It came this morning. I'm not keen on the stark white background, but other than that it's bloody brilliant. I have been reading it (looking for errors) this morning and drinking a very expensive bottle of French champagne. Bloody horrible stuff but it had to be done, by the third glass it was bareable and now my fingies don't want to hit the right keys. People have been bodding in and out all day with bottles of wine and orders I got seven today without having to ask. Today is a damned good day. Thanks Hen and go for it mate, thinking about it aint gonna make it happen. Mind you've got all those extra years to do it. Eeeh I am happy. Oh so happy. I am happy and flappy and ...pissed!
I was in Waterstone's this morning and didn't see your book.
Is it only available online?
Hope you sell enough to make Joanne Rowling jealous and seriously annoy all those guys who've done you wrong!
You mean... this is ANOTHER book?
Oh my...
WTG Sooz!!!!!!
Sooz... my daughter likes the synopsis for Lizards... did you say it was on Amazon?
It should be in Waterstones soon. If not it can be ordered from them with the isbn number ... or maybe even just name and title.
Yep Liana, It's on Amazon.
Thanks all going out to celebrate tonight, first night out in a long, long time.
Yeah, but it's better than 144,000th! You have to ask what period of time that covers. I suspect it is a ranking for a fairly short period of time, something like one week. Otherwise, the whole thing would be very skewed. Still, congrats!
Hey hey well done
Woo Hee! Now I'll buy it and it'll go into the top 10 (where, I'm sure, it belongs)