Absent Kisses - Frances Gapper

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Absent Kisses - Frances Gapper

I just wanted to recommend this book as as it published by a small publisher I doubt many people have come across it.

Absent Kisses is a collection of truly hilarious short stories. It is full of animals which talk, there is a lawnmower which falls in love with a woman, a mermaid that falls in love with a mobile phone, a secretary who falls in love with a snail.

One quote - Mary meets a rabbit on the estate where she is working:

'Ah! Woman, a man, a female man... I loved that film.' said the rabbit.

'You've seen the Sound of Music?' said Mary.

'Of course,' said the rabbit. 'With subtitles.'

Anonymous's picture
A chance not to be missed! I hear you are working on a novel Frances, how's it going?
Frances Gapper
Anonymous's picture
Thanks, Drew! Glad you liked the rabbit. In my experience, you either like talking rabbits or you don't. Incidentally, if anyone wants to buy this book, I'm selling it via Amazon marketplace for the bargain price of only £3 (plus p&p)!
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