Help ABC

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Help ABC

Can I just ask you all to have a look at these two pages:


As editor of ABCtales, I can tell you things are becoming increasingly tight at ABCtales, to the point where our ability to continue in the way we have always done may be compromised.

The thought of a world without ABCtales really frightens me. It was an immense part of my life before I started working here and the thought of a massive hole where it used to be is horrible. We all meet each other on a daily basis here, share writing, share jokes and share in each others lives.

The thought of that not happening anymore is too horrible to contemplate. It would break mine and many other people's hearts to lose that.

We're not asking the world, we're just asking that you read the above and see what you can do.

Anonymous's picture
Mark, I would certainly be willing to donate what I can, but I got my wallet stolen and as such, I can only send a check all the way to England. A check may turn into a rained-on check. If you could supply me with an address and a slip of paper, asserting that I donated such an amount to for IRS purposes, I would be more than happy to send some money for the noble cause of saving such a beautiful home as is... in this world of sheer pornography and violence, is a beautiful, intelligent debutante who cannot find her way to a party.
Anonymous's picture
Of course, if you WANT sheer pornography and violence, can oblige too! Takes all sorts, Steven!
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Steven - that's very kind but only give if you can! All paperwork can be readily supplied! All details are on the click through from the front page. Are you coming on Friday? I sincerely hope so.
Anonymous's picture
Sometimes life in America feels like sheer pornography and violence. I'd rather take It's good to listen to you speaking.
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