It's Gnu's Week by Kettlehead

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It's Gnu's Week by Kettlehead

I liked the characters, Bernard and Dave, in this. They made me smile.

Only suggestion would be that some of the descriptions relating to dialogue were superfluous.

I really scratched my head over to cherry or not to cherry this one - and came out against because of the flow. I think it's a great idea and it so almost works - it just needs some careful work.
Pardon my ignorance TC but what do you mean by 'cherry'? I am new to this site and am stilltrying to get my head around it all. Thanks for your input though. Ray
A cherry picked tale is one that we believe merits special attention from other readers. It isn't a flat out signal of quality - as cherries can be awarded to writers who, we feel, have improved. It's pretty light hearted, we listen to suggestions from others and we do not claim to be omnipotent - it is inevitably subjective!
Hey, it's pretty good though; the nasty savage but inevitable ending contrasts well with the cheerful tone but I'd agree with 2Lou - a bit too much dialogue that doesn't add to the piece.
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