Norfolk pronunciatiions
Seeing as there was a little discussion between Rokkit and Archergirl about the way to say Naaaaarch, I thought I'd add these other helpful pronunciations...
narridge yoonyun = major norfolk employer
thang kyer, spoken at high speed. term used by shop assistants in
norwichwhen accepting your money
how're yer gettin arn = norfolk greeting
hair = here
shicagooo's = nightspot on prince of wales raod
bare = as sold by the pint in shicagooo's
is that rioght? throwaway comment to show you're paying attention to the speaker
ass a jouk = i'm just kidding
card = traditionally eaten with chips
koodee = shop in st. stephens street
hum base = DIY shop (various sites)
fooze = electrical component on sale at hum base
fool = petrol or diesel
int-huh-net = worldwide web
cum-poo-tuh = something you'll need to access the int-huh-net
loo's = daft east coast fishing port
stoo-ped, term applied to f**kwits
gatoo = sticky chocolate cake
foo too, you get these developed at boots
sproight = fizzy lemon drink
boost = to brag
jargon = like running, but slower
My own personal favourite is gat-oo because it's what my gran always serves after sunday lunch. Some times with a glass a bare..