Norfolk pronunciatiions

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Norfolk pronunciatiions

Seeing as there was a little discussion between Rokkit and Archergirl about the way to say Naaaaarch, I thought I'd add these other helpful pronunciations...

narridge yoonyun = major norfolk employer

thang kyer, spoken at high speed. term used by shop assistants in
norwichwhen accepting your money

how're yer gettin arn = norfolk greeting

hair = here

shicagooo's = nightspot on prince of wales raod

bare = as sold by the pint in shicagooo's

is that rioght? throwaway comment to show you're paying attention to the speaker

ass a jouk = i'm just kidding

card = traditionally eaten with chips
koodee = shop in st. stephens street

hum base = DIY shop (various sites)

fooze = electrical component on sale at hum base

fool = petrol or diesel

int-huh-net = worldwide web

cum-poo-tuh = something you'll need to access the int-huh-net

loo's = daft east coast fishing port

stoo-ped, term applied to f**kwits

gatoo = sticky chocolate cake

foo too, you get these developed at boots

sproight = fizzy lemon drink

boost = to brag

jargon = like running, but slower

My own personal favourite is gat-oo because it's what my gran always serves after sunday lunch. Some times with a glass a bare..

Ha ha ha ha! I love it! I think I was attempting to do a Yank's interpretation of a Cambridgeman's (or woman's) interpretation of a Naaaarrrrrch accent. They're up there with Glaswegian and strong Welsh accents as my faves (not that I ever understand what a Glaswegian is telling me, mind you, but I like to listen...) Hev a glass o' bare on me.
'ent' it?' is the one I use most, as in 'isn't it?', can also be applied to 'dun't it?' for doesn't it....
I'm not a Londoner, of course, but I love the tag question, 'innit'. I like to use in inappropriately, innit. I'll have to now add 'dun't it' to my repertoire...
Yes... you know it's odd, as well as 'ent it' I also say 'innit'... somebody said the other day I talk like a Dick Van Dyke and Pam Eyres mixed together with a shot of Joanna Lumley... um...
My favourite was a t a Naaarch alphabet-themed pub quiz: 'And now, a foo keschuns about the letter koo.'
wonderful. just wonderful.
as the man once said: "Bernard Mathews' Turkeys, they're Norfolk n' good"


The Suffolk tourist board's latest campaign (I kid you not) is called: Suffolk n' Proud. Genius.
In a similar vein, my number one pub quiz team name is 'Norfolk Enchants'.
I'm working in Lowestoft for a couple of days next week, so I'm printing this thread off to use as a phrase book.
also look out for mooslei = muselei (I actually can't spell it!) boay = boy you'awrite = are you Ok? Span
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