A gentleman's request by jonesy

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A gentleman's request by jonesy

It may be very rude and it may be very silly - but it did make me laugh...


Just about to go out - after working twelve days on the bounce. As you well know, it's the Brighton Festival so I shall wander out and see the crazy street performers around town this afternoon. Ah, a weekend off. Deep joy.
thought this hilarious too!!! ..am outa here ......
glad this has been flagged again - as i said before ladies have a similar request. Juliet


For the most part, the rhymes and metre are spot-on - I've got a real soft-spot for this sort of vaudeville pastiche. Not sure about the final rhyme though - I think the bar's been set so high by that point that you can't get away with fudging it!
Thank you! It’s very nice of you all to be so positive about it. I’m pleased this one came out ok cos I wrote it in my head walking home from work, and normally those ones don’t come out too well when you set them down. And I know exactly what you mean about that last rhyme Rokkiitnite – it is a bit dodgy! But the final stanza all arrived in one go in my head, and it tied together really well so I didn’t want to fiddle with the rhymes in case it took away from the flow. At the end of the day I’m quite happy to sacrifice technical purity if it means that the overall effect is there, and this one felt right as it was so I left it. Thanks again for the thumbs up - it's much appreciated :)

if you want to buy my book then you can get it here:
Pretty please!

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