ABCtales mugs

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ABCtales mugs

I haven't plugged these for ages - and we haven't sold one for ages!

If you haven't got one then please feel free to order one - they really are very nice mugs!

Just follow the link from the bottom of the magazine section on the front page.

TESTIMONIAL I have bought three ABCTales mugs and each one has been better than the last! I use one for hot beverages at work, one for hot beverages at home and one for keeping pens in. Nothing in life thrills me more than a lovely cup of tea or my favourite writng community, so imagine the paroxysms (sp?) of pleasure that my mug sends me into by combining these two aspects of my life. Since switching to an 'ABC' mug from a standard 'un-sexy' mug, I've felt more confident and charming and engage in sparkling verbal intercourse on an hourly basis. When taking my mug into management meetings at work, I have discovered people tend to take my suggestions far more seriously. These mugs can and will change your life. jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


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A mug can change millions of lives - if there are other mugs to elect him.
Is a shelf for mugs a Muggeridge? If you want to buy my book, visit my blog:
My abctales mug had a small cameo role in a low budget zombie movie, it's soon going to play a major role in a sci-fi thriller. In fact, I may need to purchase a stunt mug.


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