workplace f**kwittery
let's have your stories here...
currently f**kwittery abounds in my place, after 3 years of relative sanity -
senior manager leaves - can't stand director - who seems to place incompetent people in senior jobs to display their full array of f**kwittery skills
so director places a temp manager in post and hey presto 4 weeks later, 2 staff have resigned, one manager has been asked to resign (probably for being too competent) one , we think has been suspended (again for too high levels of competency)
and the princess of f**kwittery now managing the office, does f**k all and gets others to do her reports - she failed to get the job permanently, and yet is deemed good enough to f**k around while the director of f**kwittery tries to fill the post
boy that feels good to rant
more tales please
~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~
Kim Rooney