workplace f**kwittery

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workplace f**kwittery

let's have your stories here...

currently f**kwittery abounds in my place, after 3 years of relative sanity -

senior manager leaves - can't stand director - who seems to place incompetent people in senior jobs to display their full array of f**kwittery skills

so director places a temp manager in post and hey presto 4 weeks later, 2 staff have resigned, one manager has been asked to resign (probably for being too competent) one , we think has been suspended (again for too high levels of competency)

and the princess of f**kwittery now managing the office, does f**k all and gets others to do her reports - she failed to get the job permanently, and yet is deemed good enough to f**k around while the director of f**kwittery tries to fill the post

boy that feels good to rant

more tales please

I couldn't comment. I've already been pulled up for things I have written online. My bosses are watching me. I have no private life.
if kenny mooney is your real name - i'd change your on-line name - then you can rant aplenty
jeez..don't talk to me about workplace shananigans. One of the male managers was caught having bum sex with a female receptionist. The receptionist was fired, manager suspended. One of the reasons he wasn't fired is because the receptionist had a reputation for being a major flirt. Apparently she said, "Banana" to every male who passed through reception. AND...word is: the receptionist had been in the firing line anyway because she'd recently dumped the site director. This manager is good friends with the site director. all very dirty.

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Whenever I find myself agape at my organisation's ad hoc role as an employment bureau for the terminally useless, I remind myself that this is because the average IQ is only 100. This in itself wouldn't be so bad except that f**kwitted people won't accept their own limitations and take a role and career path more suited to their (lack of) talent. This world will only ever improve when robots do the menial jobs and the stupid have their oviducts tied. jude


It's not subjective so doesn't need 'deciding'. Errors (to give a few examples) such as sending the wrong invoice to people, entering sort codes into payroll incorrectly, taking a week to do something that takes other people a few hours are measurable indicators of performance. I once worked for a scientific publishing company and we had very little problems with incompetence. I always think the market forces in the commercial world are the best at eliminating inefficiency. However the main reason for this blissful environment was that we incorporated various aptitude tests into the recruitment process, even for admin staff.


Anonymous's picture
Actually, 'I' decide who are the fuckwitted and 'terminally useless' and you, Peaceful, fall into the latter category. Everyone else in this thread falls into the first category because it's usually the case that those who call their seniors Fuckwits are pissed off Fuckwits-in-waiting. Now stop being Fuckwits and get on with your jobs. In peaceful's case, stop using the internet.
Well Jude, you've written plenty of stuff that I've disagreed with in the past, but that's the most odious bollocks you've managed so far. I really hope you were joking - it wasn't funny but at least if it was an attempt at humour it means you've not slipped over the precipice into fascist insanity.
Though several think that you are me, Who you are is a mystery. I wonder if you’re a Mister E… or, then again, maybe Miss Tree?
Strikes me Krop38 that if you were truly such a man of principle and not merely a ‘forum tiger’ that you would be spending a lot more time trying to move your family - away from the inevitable brain-washing and corruptive influences on your children here in the UK - and less time picking on Jude.
Well I was baiting... and am odious. jude


Ha ha- what I’ve found especially funny about this thread is that dangling at the end was a Google ad for dealing with workplace conflict. Can't STAND the People You Work With? the add coos then YOU'RE NOT ALONE! The Ad then proceeds to explain how the company can give you you the skills to deal with Bullies, Whiners, Agitators, Gossips, and all the other difficult people you have to work with. More ha ha and phew- nothing to do with internet forums then….

Kim Rooney

mykle, do you have a phD in talking out of your backside, or is your talent entirely natural? Firstly I don't live in the UK; secondly if you saw how and where I do live I think that you'd have to admit that I do at least attempt to put my principles into action; thirdly, wtf do you mean bringing my family into this? And fourthly, there are plenty of very principled people who (unlike me) stay in the UK in the belief that they can make a better world for themselves, their families and for everyone else. I have never picked on Jude. We exchange frank opinions about our differences and have, I think come to understand one another better in the process. To resort to suggesting that my interventions amount to bullying is just rubbish. If Jude feels bullied I'd be very surprised; why not ask Jude?
It's entirely natural ;O)
We have local Celeb footballer as our general manager, although he was a reasonable player in his heyday , he subsequently managed our local team and several other lowly leagued teams atrociously. He's been a major influence in who get jobs at all levels in oue place, sticking his nose where ever he can. The result is we have a lot of neanderthal ex-local footie players holding down jobs , well beyond their intellectual capacities and ability. Good eh?
This is getting dangerously close to being abusive and therefore deleted. Behave yourselves now.
still the same level of f**kwittery that prompted me to start the thread - amazing how a well run office can descend into anarchy when interefered with by incompetent f**kwitted managers
Anarchy is an ascent not a descent martin old boy. Due to the existence of more than a few (but not quite a lot) of anarchists in the world, I think it is much better to use an alternative word when you mean to convey hopeless disorganisation: 1. Chaos 2. Shambles 3. Mess 4. Confusion I'm sure I could go on. Anyway, this is a polite request on behalf of anarchists everywhere. If you don't mend your ways we might have to resort to getting cross.
depends on your viewpoint innit, whether it is an ascent or descent - if we are talking about anarchy as a political idea, well that is a whole load of arguing and your four points could equally describe a meeting of anarchists!! don't get me wrong, some of my best friends are anarchists
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