Speak The Truth And Be The Devil?
"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire.
It seems somewhat ironic that the leaders of many of the countries which are seen as the ‘leaders of the free world’ are screaming for the head of Julian Assange for exercising his right to ‘free speech’
Really it is simply just another demonstration of the double standards that governments display when their cosy façade of inalienable human rights becomes transparent for a moment and display yet another glimpse of the truth - if human rights are inconvenient then simply brand your opponent as a ‘terrorist’ since it has already been established by the US that ‘terrorists’ are not human and therefore can be treated as if they have no rights!
So should Free Speech be the right to say whatever you like?
I would argue that it should, at least, be the right to say, either by speech or print, something that is true so far as you know… but what is truth?
Do you watch or listen to the news on TV or radio or skim through the various internet ‘news’ sites which offer ‘analysis’ of what is happening in the world and wonder why it all seems to be essentially the same one sided opinions masquerading as facts? Where is the truth?
Look again and notice that with most ‘news’ there is no longer any concept of what truth is but just a biased debate between two or more sides as to who has the most persuasive argument!
The worst aspect of this is that the arguments need not be based in fact but are often simply speculations or rumours that has been given the label of truth by manipulative media outlets which care nothing for truth only for results that favour their agendas.
It seems to me to be ludicrous that, say, Fox ‘News’ can spew forth its deceptions and misleading propaganda with the obvious support of some of the world’s most powerful politicians and yet Wikileaks can be harassed and threatened by much the same people for printing the truth!
Has truth become a casualty of convenience or has it always been a matter of opinion?
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