Online screen reader

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Online screen reader

The following link takes you to an online screen reader which some may find useful, especially the visually impaired or the lazy sods who sometimes like to just sit back and relax while listening to a story. I fall into the second category. I also use the screen reader with my editing process, as it helps me find errors I might well be missing due to being so wrapped up in the work.

Just copy and paste your work into the space provided, choose a voice from the right hand side of the screen (my current favourite is American Joey) and then press Play. It's not perfect, and it's not the same quality as having Stephen Fry or Simon Vance narrating, but it's free.

Brilliant find - Chipmunk Skippy sounded like Stephen Hawking on helium. I like the english guy - he's got a radio four voice and we can but dream.


Thanks oldpesky, I shall check this out. Jenny.


Tired it and loved it. To hear your story told from the mouths of others is rather strange. Thanks, Oldpesky.


This looks great. Can you trial it, or do you have to buy it first to hear how your work would sound? Hannah x
Glad you're all having a buit of fun with it. I'm hopeful there might be a Scottish English voice one day. The others seem to struggle with my Glaswegian pieces. Hi hannah. Don't pay for anything. Press the Play button and not the Download button. If you have any problems give me a shout.
Thank you, I've tried it out and love it. Could be very useful :)
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