The Golden Banner, science fiction novel published on Kindle & Createspace
Hi All,
with the help of some tech-savvy friends and my lovely partner, I have just published my science fiction novel 'The Golden Banner' on Amazon. Here's the link:
In a couple of days there will be a print-to-order Createspace edition available. If you read the novel and like it, then do please recommend it, share the link on Facebook, or just pass on the word to someone who might like a hopefully interesting science fiction read.
ABCtales has been the best thing that ever happened to my writing, so I come here to ask this additional favour in the certaiin knowledge that some of you kind and generous people who have read my work will help give me this extra push. The marketing budget for this project is zero, so I am relying on it going viral!
Well, we'll see.
Kindest regards
p.s - I am writng the sequel now!