Finding ABCTales inspiration point stories
Fri, 2012-07-20 09:37
Finding ABCTales inspiration point stories
I only occasionally have a go at the inspiration points on here but when I do I like to see what others' takes are on the same point as well. The tweet tales one was really interesting. Is there an easy way of finding all the inspiration points for a week? Everyone seems to mark theirs differently. Could it have its own category like 'competition entries' on the side?
Just a thought...
I'll be off now.
Or perhaps people could post a link to theirs in a forum post for that week?
I'm definitely going now.
I like that second idea Alex, we should post them in the comments under the story/poem/IP of the week.
I like that second idea Alex, we should post them in the comments under the story/poem/IP of the week.
That second idea seems like a good one to me too. I've been thinking more or less the same thing. The only inspiration point I've ever used was that Twitter one the other week, which I loved, but I still like to see what other people have done.
Good plan - I will encourage one and all to do it this week and we'll see what happens!