The Griffin Poetry Book Prize

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The Griffin Poetry Book Prize

Hello great ABC poetry writers! I am not sure if you heard of the best Poetry prize in the world. A Canadian provides an annual prize as an incentive to encourage writing in this genre. Google "The Griffin Poetry Book Prize" for details.

One prize goes to a Canadian, and one goes to a non-Canadian. Each prize pays $65,000 CDN. Go for it folks. You must be published with your first Poetry book, which becomes your submission.

I hope to try it myself one of these day, if I can get a publisher to publish my poetry book.

If only...


Hmmm... try it out as a proposal... Publish me, you get all the prize money, Mr Publisher... There's a scam that might work... for someone.
For anyone interested---Make sure you read all the info on site, it is very professional. The original prize I think was about two times forty thousand for two awards around ten years ago. World best seller, Canadian writer Margaret Atwood is one of the Trustees. Richard
Richard L. Provencher
Atwood was my thesis study, ancient moons ago. I would like to eat her up like a hungry wolf in the hope I spit out the same quality words.Are you from Canada?


Yes, my wife Esther and I, live in Truro, Nova Scotia. We moved here 26 years ago. I was born and raised in Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, and my wife born near Port Elgin, New Brunswick. Cheers, Richard and Esther
Richard L. Provencher
Gosh, how fortunate. Sounds a stunning place.


I was raised in North Harrow. Ahh what a life I might have led in raised in Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec