New features on the site
Fri, 2013-09-13 10:53
New features on the site
Hi everybody,
I included two more features on the site that will help writers to manage their content:
- "My Content" page (you can find it on user menu) is an overview of all your posts sorted by date. Only the author can view this page.
- "Revisions & publish" are two new options when you create a story or collection. (find them at the bottom of the edit page). You can create new revisions of your stories and get back to them whenever you want. Publish and unpublish a story. Only the author and the editors could see own unpublished stories on "My Content" page.
Let me know if these feature aren't working properly.
The admin.
That's brill' thanks!
I was wondering if you could check to see if the options for formatting text on the options bar in the comments box can be activated? For example "quid pro quo" should appear in italics but it doesn't?
Hang on! It's bloody well worked there....
I just left a comment on Benjamin Myatt's piece "on these walls" and the quoted bits should be in italics - they aren't though!
In the 'My content' list there are pieces which are noted as 'Not read yet'. I tested two and found that they were read 104 and 178 times respectively. Also the titles of three collections were marked as 'Not yet read'.
Hi luigi,
"Not yet read" there means that your story hasn't been marked as read for the editors.
Thanks for your explanation, admin, but I am still confused. The pieces in question are 6 months old or more and not new ones. Surely an editor would have read them when they were published? Don't worry too much though, it's a feature which is nice to have but not vital.
Perhaps some of the stories lost their "read" during the migration two months ago.
Hi scratch. You are right: there aren't any unread pieces in 'My account' contrary to what 'My content' list says. As you point out none of my titles are in italics and I haven't posted anything new. My last entry was on May the 6th 2013. Possibly the information was lost when the new feature was introduced, but I am not worried. I just thought I'd notify the anomaly.
Posted a Glitch message on the forum before reading this. I found that my hard return spaces between paragraphs had been lost. Fixed with the latest one by copying back into Word, putting in the spaces and copying them back into the form. Previously things had seemed to be double-spaced. Will have to go through previous postings and see if they need doing, too. Revisions feature seems a good idea. Will explore the other one. Thanks. Kev
Parson Thru
the editors' unread pile of stories does not diminish even when I've personally read at least five of them and marked them as such.
Like Parson Thru, I have realised most of my stories have lost the hard break between paragraphs, and it does make the story unreadable. I've started to try and fix this, but it's going to take me a while. Will it be fixed as a glitch or should I continue to try and fix my uploads?
Thanks, Lisa
I think I'm managing the new 'unpublished' option which helps my 'lack of preview button' problem. But I still haven't had any answer to whether eveyone now lacks the previewing button or is it just me. I would appreciate it even more than having an unpublishing option, but most of all I would like to know if it is something I and everyone else has to live without, please.