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How does the feedback thing work?  I have some great feedbacks but I  don't know  how  they got there.

And i see  some stories have votes.



Votes? News to me, tell us more.


I don't know if I am being thick, but on 'most recent' one gets to go back pages, but if you filter to 'poems' or 'inspiration point' etc there seem to be only two there and no button for going to previous/earlier ones. ? Rhiannon


Rhiannon - You're absolutely right. Thanks for pointing that out - it looks like there's a problem with the search terms (and the IP page). I'll work on fixing these problems with our developer on Monday. 

Denzella - the 'Great Feedback' function is a new way to recognise people who take the time to post helpful critiques and feedback on writing. Everyone can give two votes a day - at the bottom of all the comment windows on writing (not forums / blogs) you'll see a button that says 'This is great feedback.' Click it to let the person know that they've done a good critique - one that you've appreciated personally or that you think deserves recognition.

So if you have some 'great feedbacks' that means people are appreciating your feedback. You can see a list of them here:

We've always had an option to generically 'like' stories and poems - I'm not sure how I feel about this feature, though. It seems a bit too much like facebook to me, and I'm not sure it adds a lot. My feeling is that a comment is a much better way of expressing one's appreciation.

I believe it was Paul/FTSE100 who introduced the 'like' thingy, about a year (perhaps more) ago.

But Luke, is it possible to make the text darker/bolder - I have trouble reading it, as it's so light, and doubt I am the only one.

Perhaps it is worth holding on to! We'll definitely work on changing the text / contrast first thing Monday.