Fri, 2018-02-09 11:49
Can anyone advise me about copyright? I have written about the wartime experiences of my Husband's family and I would like to include some of Churchill's speeches and pictures of various wartime memorabilia. I bought them for our fiftieth wedding anniversary as we had a forties party and we had copies of newspapers of the period dotted about the hall as well as pictures of ration books and so on. If there is a problem with this then I will have to forgo this idea. However, the piece is not for public consumption it is just for the family.
Moya, if it's only for your family and definitely not for public consumption (eg posting it on here), I don't see that you'd have to worry about copyright. If you're worried, why not call the British Library? I bet they would be able to tell you the definitive answer. Hope that helps!