PLEASE I AM NEW.I have a question
Mon, 2001-07-09 22:09
PLEASE I AM NEW.I have a question
Ok here is what I have no clue about
I know thus might seem like a dumb question but I really wanna know?
Ok how do you find out what number your story or poem has been rated?
Please tell me? Any 1 '
well thanx bye
Hi Candyfloss. If you click onto your story, you will be able to see how many times it has been read. Also, some people may give you some stars. Sometimes people simply read the story but don't put any stars there. It doesn't really mean anything. All that matters is that you enjoy posting it and continue to write some more. (There is going to be a junior ABC Tales soon, in case you didn't know). I enjoyed the Grandfather story, it was very poignant.
Welcome, by the way. Hope you enjoy ABC.
Can I echo Wolfie's sentiments and welcome you to the site? (Wolfie - I'm not really following you round on all these threads like some cyber-stalker, honest!)
You'll find that you can check your "times read" by simply going to your story list: you won't, however, be able to check your score (if any) that way. Frustrating, eh? You can only check by adding another "hit" to your total. This annoys virtually everyone, including me, but it's all to do with the technical stuff. Beats me.
You might find this scoring puzzling - hardly anyone bothers, especially with stories. Presumably, this is because most people read them offline and can't be bothered spending money on redialling just to vote. Poems, being shorter, are probably read online and therefore attract more votes.
Oh, and here's something amusing. A few weeks ago, I checked out one of the most popular poems on the site. It had attracted an average score of ONE star from around eighteen readers. So, there are several measurements of success! Good luck with everything.
Hey thanx that helped me alot
thanx you guys for welcoming me, I think it was really nice of you
So thanx again
I am glad you like Good bye granpapa wolf girl
Ok thanx again