Weekly (daily) online writers group

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Weekly (daily) online writers group


I've had a few mails from people saying they'd like the chance to get more feedback on their work on ABCtales. Obviously, we have the critiquing area at http://www.abctales.com/abcplex/viewfeature.cgi?f=164 but another idea that's been suggested is that interested people could all come to the forum at the same time on a set day for an online writing group (maybe 10pm UK time as I think that works across most time zones)?

People in the writing group could exchange links to pieces of their work on the site and then get together in the forums the following week to discuss them.

What do people think of this? If you're interested, let me know and we can organise a day of the week that it can start.



Anonymous's picture
I think it's a brilliant idea, Em! Trouble is, 10 pm your time (11pm mine), is sometimes a bit late (have to be up at 7 every day except weekends and...er...I'm not as young as I once was, strangely enough). Friday nights would be good, though - I'd do my best to attend. Promise...
Anonymous's picture
Very interested. Go on, Andrea. it would be great to have you on board.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
I think this is an excellent idea - feedback I've had from Ivoryfishbone, Andrea and other writers has helped my stories enormously *how bad were they before then ? Shouts heckler* I think weekly might work better at first. Friday seems like a good day, as is Saturday, then nobody has to get up for work. Except Rita Fairclough, who has to do the papers at five.
Ed Bruce
Anonymous's picture
I reckon such a session would fulfil a long felt want (or similar gadget). Seriously, I'm all for it and look forward to taking part. Ed.
Anonymous's picture
An excellnt idea to meet on a regular basis and 10 pm seemd good-I'm up 4 it.
Anonymous's picture
Any news on this one, Em? (I luv jazz too)
David Gardiner
Anonymous's picture
I would be very interested in this project, but I wonder if the real-time aspect is actually necessary. A bulletin-board format would give people more time to think about what they wanted to say. Or maybe a combination of both, so that we could post reviews first and then discuss them in real time? Maybe I've simply missed the point of what is being suggested, if so please ignore this letter!
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Reason for real time is to add a different dimension - bit like the difference between bulletin boards and instant messaging - so that people can get a response a lot faster. In terms of starting, how about we start it next Friday at then? Anyone who's interested in taking part, post the URL of the work you want discussed by Thursday mid-day (to give people time to read it) and come back to this thread next Friday at 10pm? See you here next week (well, probably before in other threads!) Em
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