bluechrome poetry competition results

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bluechrome poetry competition results

For anyone who entered Bluechrome publishing's poetry competition, the winners are now announced in their website You have to go to the poetry section and click 'competition.' So far they have only posted the first, second, and third place winners. They have not yet listed all the runners-up who will evidently also be invited to be in their anthology.

Anonymous's picture
More congrats are in order than you think. Ronnie told me today that there were over 800 entries for that comp, which were finally whittled down to the 30 that will appear in the Anthology. So you did pretty well, guys :-)
Anonymous's picture
800?!? Well, well, well - that *does* sound good on paper! My thanks to JT (I'm sure you'll do better in the next one - can't keep a good man down!) And Barenib - I can't help thinking that calling ourselves 'The Bluechrome Twosome' would be rubbing it in somewhat! ;-)
Anonymous's picture
Well, it's better than The Bluechrome Babes...
Anonymous's picture
Runners-up now there. Barenib's on there.
Anonymous's picture
Barenib! Congratulations, I didn't make the connection.
Anonymous's picture
Brilliant! Well done, Barenib :-) To make it easier:
Anonymous's picture
Thanks folks. Don't forget to place your orders.... :-)
Anonymous's picture
Hen you sly dog - you're on there too!
Anonymous's picture
Oh, I just imagined everyone would *assume* that to be a case. ;-)
Anonymous's picture
Good grief, I am so used to handles, I don't pay attention to real names anymore. Congrats also to Hen. Sadly for me, this year's competition will be known as 'passover' at the thyme household. Oh well.
Anonymous's picture
Congrats Hen - perhaps we should team up as 'the bluechrome twosome' ....?
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