Mon, 2005-02-21 00:09
I am thirteen years old, and I'm a great writer. If I know what to write about, which I don't. I tried writing a story about what I know and who I am, but my life is so vapid that it was boring. I tried writing about my best friend, who's life is much more exciting than mine. Still vapid and useless. I like writing fiction, preferably realistic fiction, but I could spread my topics. If you have an idea, please let me know.
By the way, I HATE writing non-fiction. So fiction, please. :-D Thank you
Hello Brianna
OK, you have given me a word to look up that I did not know, vapid.What a vocabulary you have so I take it you read as well, at least I hope so for there is plenty in the average newspaper. Also you mentioned someone you know, well Reader's Digest often have an item called My most Unforgettable Character' based on someone you met. Obviously one has to think carefully of the libel laws naturally but if your account is complimentary and you admire the person which obviously you do, take courage in both hands and share it if he or she has heroic qualities. Where I work voluntarily, the owner's son periodically appears. When I first met him,I have to be frank, he did not seem to be my sort but as I grew to know him, he displayed qualities that raised my estimation in him whereby he has developed heroic qualities.I feel that if I was in any form of trouble, ie been assaulted by someone else in town and he was nearby, I feel sure he would come to my assistance. I wonder what he makes of me but I guess he takes me as he finds me. He is good fun with a great sense of humour and everyone knows that when I see him, my morale like a temperature gage, rises. In some ways, he reminds me of my Dad although in a way, he is the brother I never had. He has an impish grin and a delight. Whether I would have the courage mind you, to write about him in RD, is perhaps a little debateable as I do respect him on the whole and do not wish to embarrass the chap. He is in his twenties and I am in my fifties but so what, age is in the mind after all. If you have a rappore, to hell with it in terms of age. I also get on well with his mother who is the Mayor of Sudbury, Suffolk as distinct from Derbyshire. Even if you wrote it and did not publish it, it is the practise of writing, getting into the discipline of the act. So what is the hang up I think one should start to think in terms of a baby just having learned to sit up and take notice of the world around them, it is all new and fresh, that is the way a writer should think anyway. It is all so easy in the rush of everyday life to take everything we see for granted. Open up your eyes and ears[warning, make sure you are not being observed listening in] and carry a notebook around with you, if you read something interesting, note it down. Soon you will have more ideas than you know what to do with. Keep a diary of ideas folder, a large ringbinder as you will be surprised how quickly this can fill up in time when you have printed out your ideas in hard copy or write them down if you can trust your handwriting after a year or so. Keep a folder on your desktop and call it ideas diary, jot down the date and your idea under the month and Jeronimo, before long, you will have one as each month passes. You will never be lost again. Hope this helps, Ciao Fiona
hello brianna.
Why not write about your life but just...twist it a little for art's sake.
Brianna, sorry i cant help u. but can i ask u a question? why do u want to write anyway???
Yes, why do you want to write? but anyway Just think of any thing. When I want to write a story I look out the window the next thing that passes by gives me an idea. It sounds weird but maybe it can help.
Write about someone who's life is vapid and boring, who decides to do something about it. Then write your life the way you'd like it.
Hay just do your own thing.I mean I like Sifi so wright about a person whos life changs from toxic wast or somthing.