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Did anyone watch the progamme on Channel 4 the other night on Islam and its history? How up to about 60 years ago it was extremely tolerant of other religions women did not have to wear the hijab etc.. That is a very modern construct by the way. Also that suicide in Islam is viewed very much as in Catholicism, it's a crime. Then along came the Brits and the Yanks and threw money at them for their oil. Oh dear I can almost hear RD rattling his colonial pram as I write. But one of the contributers to the programme uttered what for me was a telling phrase: 'The middle east has been cursed by oil.' I won't be around to see it, but I'd love to see what's going to happen when the oil does run out; for not only the West but the Middle East.

I am indeed gratified to learn that Channel 4 is now the definitive source on such matters. The honor could not possibly go to a more august organization. As for prams, don't look now, but your wheels are squeaking.
Your point being JT?


Styx, tell me what type of colonial pram you'd like, I'll see if I can rustle some up for you. It's not a's a feature.

It's not a's a feature.

It seems we're about to be sending you food parcels so it only seems fair that you send me a pram. We've all gone fuck*ng mad you understand!?! I can just see the headlines tomorrow 'Bangla Desh to send troops to quell rioting in New Orleans.' Wos' goin' on RD?


Before I answer any questions, I need to know what "pram" is. I'm guessing it's childish babble...however, I could be wrong. I don't speak your language...remember... It's not a's a feature.

It's not a's a feature.

Okay, buggy...this relates to Islam and New Orleans in some manner... It's a mess...all of it. I'm more interested in replacing a diesel fuel tank at the moment, lemme think about it. It's not a's a feature.

It's not a's a feature.

'Pram' comes from the word 'Perambulator', of course. I like that fact.
Ta, J.C. you got there just before me. Do you realise that you share the same intials as a really famous guy from history? Oh - and am I going to have to explain 'Ta' to R.D.? It's not a feature it's just a bug.


The vast majority of Muslim women don't wear the hijab - remember, only a small proportion of the world's Muslims live in the Middle East - and in most places other religions are tolerated as long as they're not seeking to proselytise Muslims. Unfortunately the christian church has changed too, becoming much more pro-Jewish and anti-Islamic as a result of crackpot "prophetic" teaching.
Okay, I've thought about's not worth talking about. Styx, do you know what a "Bull Cinch" is? I have one for you. It's not a's a feature.

It's not a's a feature.

God I love you when you talk dirty RD.


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