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I have 14 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 13449 times and 4 of my stories have been cherry picked.

radiodenver's picture

My collections

My stories


The Outhouse

"...Off the narrow, winding country road, at the end of a long gravel driveway, stood the main house..."

Loose Change

"...sometimes there would be serious injuries and they would get to watch the dead and mangled bodies be carted away."

Justice of the Peace

...a bantam trail of red ink droplets dripping from the feathered pen onto the bare table top as he scrawled.

Don't Drink the Water

..."I save the company three hundred thousand dollars and I get a fifty dollar gift certificate for Taco Gong as a reward?

Load King

...I felt more secure knowing I would not be the only victim of the crushing metal train if one decided to jack-knife.
