Muswell Hill Time Travellers
Mon, 2005-11-21 13:57
Muswell Hill Time Travellers
I likes it a lot.
Not sure about the bit in brackets.
I think it gets super good from 'we chased cats'.
Loved it!
You know, that sounds like the start to a really good action movie - something with that xxx (Van Diesel?) guy.
Lots of blowing things up, yea!
My only suggestion is to change the first 'machine' to 'it' - 'we use it'; I think you can afford to hold out on the reader for a couple of lines rather than blowing your load straight away in a big information super-gazz.
If you want my body and you think I'm sexy...
So, some are disregarding the Directives - it's not really surprising considering the collapse. I wonder if we will survive the consequences...