Blimey what year is it?

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Blimey what year is it?

'A third of Britons blame flirty women for rape

LONDON (Reuters) - One in three Britons believes a woman who flirts is partly or totally responsible if she is raped, a "shocking" opinion poll showed on Monday.

Between a third and a quarter of respondents also put part or all of the blame on the woman if she fails to say "no" clearly to the man, wears sexy clothes, drinks too much, has many sexual partners and walks alone in a deserted area.'

It's amazing, isn't it? Apparently, there are new surveys due that show that 75% of people who are punched in the street are ugly enough to deserve it and that we're actually better off without 82.1% of murder victims. We've got a bloke called Torquemada next door...
If true, it means that somewhere in the region of 100 - 150 people 'I' know think women deserve to be raped! What a load of bollocks! I don't think any of these surveys are either accurate or are even worth conducting. Er.. maybe I'm being a little hasty here, I was sent this newspaper item today about another survey. I think these guys may be on to something... ........................................................................................................ An Eyeful A Day Keeps The Doctor Away By; Jonathan Hayter Staring at women's breasts is good for men's health and makes them live longer, a new survey reveals. Researchers have discovered that a 10min ogle at women's breasts is as healthy as half an hour in the gym. A five year study of 200 men found that those who enjoyed a longing look at busty beauties had lower blood pressure, less heart disease, and slower pulse rates compared to those who did not get their daily eyeful. Dr Karen Weatherby, who carried out the German study, wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine; 'Just 10mins of staring at the charms of a well-endowed female is roughly equivalent to a 30min aerobic work-out. Sexual excitement gets the heart pumping and improves blood circulation. There is no doubt that gazing at breasts makes men healthier. Our study indicates that engaging in this activity a few minutes daily cuts the risk of a stroke and heart attack in half. We believe that by doing so consistently, the average man can extend his life four to five years.' .....................................................................................................


'Our study indicates that engaging in this activity a few minutes daily cuts the risk of a stroke and heart attack in half.' Really!!! I thought it would have increased the risk of stroking......erm.....i mean having a stroke.
What is ignored by the survey is that rape is not an act of sexual pleasure, but one of aggression, domination and control. Also, the majority of rapes are committed by people the victiom knows socially, so the idea of rape being all about 'drunk girls in short skirts asking to get attacked by strangers' is totally inaccurate. The fact that this idea somehow takes the 'blame' away from the rapist and puts it on the woman, is utterly reprehensible. Did they just poll Young Conservatives or what?
Yes it's been a wonderful week for women. 47% of people in a survey thought that you should be able to make a citizen's arrest on a pregnant woman drinking alcohol, breastfeeding in public can now earn you a ticking off from the plod and if you are a working mother you are going to cause your children stress related illness. Oh and if you fancy a tipple and you aren't pregnant, or get your tits out if you're not breastfeeding (or indeed if you dress like a page 3 model) then it's ok if someone rapes you. I am so outraged by all of it I almost feel sorry that I gave birth (no alcohol all pregnancy, one massive glass of wine in labour - no need for any more pain relief) to a baby girl who I am now breastfeeding happily WHEREVER I EFFING WELL WANT.
I should qualify that last statement by saying I absolutely adore Lil and wouldn't change her for the world but I wish the world would change for her. Lactobrain x
Some things never change. When Chrisa was breast feeding our little 'uns she was often approached by snotty old women in tweeds who would berate her for breastfeeding in public. This despite the fact that she always covered them over with a shawl. She didn't just lap 'em out and plug the baby on. She'd pick the most discreet spot, sit as far our of the limelight as possible and be generally reasonable. It makes me puke. As for the rape thingie - it's just plain rubbish. I refuse to believe that survey.
Surely these survey results say more about surveys than they do about what's being surveyed.
Rachey, may I come round and extend my life by five years?


I've never really understood what is so 'disgusting' about breast feeding anyway. It just seems like a totally natural, non-sexual thing to do. In fact, if I can say it without wearing a hippy hat, it's rather beautiful. But there are those repressed souls who see nudity in any form as always sexual - and the baring of flesh almost - to use a word I hate - 'sinful'. Why is that?
These surveys make me sick. I presume unless women take the veil then they are asking for it. As for that woman being warned by a police officer because her breast feeding on a public bench offended a member of the public. I despair. No wonder so many women don't persevere with breast feeding in this so called 'developed' world and instead give their babies milk that should be going to calves. That such social repression should exist. It must be linked to the over sexualisation of the breast. A culture which finds comments such as the above "Rachey, may I come round and extend my life by five years?" as acceptable and somehow humorous. To romanticise breastfeeding as "rather beautiful' is sentimental nonsense. Breastfeeding is natural. Women shouldn't be chased into corners to do it. They shouldn't be exhorted to be discreet and swathe the offending breast and suckling baby under a shawl. I feel defeated by the continued shoehorning of women into acceptable behaviour and perfect shapes. I daresay that the comment above about baring flesh really only applies to nice young firm flesh and that faced with a fat old woman baring her flesh the word 'sinful' would change to 'disgusting'.
Waiting Room, my comment was meant to inject a grin into the thread. Get a life for fuck's sake. Rachel and most others here know I meant no harm and that I am not one of the PC set. The survey I posted is just as ridiculous as the opening one. Those of us that see them that way treat them as such, those of you that take it all so seriously are just as sad as those conducting the surveys.


Mississippi, I was in no way offended, being the 'natural mother' type who didn't think twice, there was no choice for me. As for feeling free to bare my breast in public (aimed at Waiting Room) I would not do it now, so why would I do it while breast feeding? No I did not restrict myself or my children, but I did cover with a shawl. Who wants to see a milk engorged veiney dripping boob anyway? Besides what would the UK be if we couldn't take the piss occasionally?
Glad to see you're a sensible well-adjusted mother, Lisa, not that I thought you weren't you understand. I would add to this discussion that I know several young mothers (some not so young) who think/thought the idea of having to suckle their young was beneath them and something that only animals do. This would mean that not all those who don't breast feed are inhibited by Victorian attitudes regarding baring a breast; they just don't want to end up with sagging tits, thinking more of their figure than the well-being of their kids!


WHAT, I say WHAT?!! Breast feeding is the best way to get your figure back, besides being the best thing for the kid, it requires no sterilisation mess, no preparation (Other than a large none alcholic drink) What more could you want? I haven't come across that type - or maybe they saw that although laid back about most things, this is actually an issue I have passion about. The friends I have who recently had babies were short on milk. They tried, with little sucess. Me? I was nick named The Cow by the nurses.
It seems from what I've read today (not on here particularly), that when boobs stop being sexy page 3 boobs and serve their given function, they stop being acceptable. And these opinions are mostly from people who were breast fed themselves. So I give you this: breast feeding as well as being most nutritious for offspring, helping you get your figure back (obviiously not doing it right), politically very correct is........ ................. an excellent hangover cure.
Well I obviously know bugger all about breast feeding having never lactated, but I can tell you that MY tits have sagged! Perhaps I misunderstood what those women were saying; I never did understand women anyway, perhaps they should be taught as a subject in school.


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