We've appointed our new Volunteer Editors. Many thanks to all who applied. Those who weren't chosen this time will be next time. Our sincere appreciation to all of you.
See the Front Page Magazine section to learn of our new team!
Good choices all round.
Enjoy the new responsibility all and like Jude said, thanks for giving up your time!
Best of luck,
www.thedevilbetweenus.com(link is external)
Neil the Audior
is that an attempt to rhyme with boudoir? ... i know he can be a little racy .... but ...
(he knows his onions too for sure ... kinky devil)
cor lummy chimpy, you're gonna fit this place like a glove.
"At the moment I happen to have time to help with this project "
Aww, bless you.
" I will be favouring intelligent and fresh ideas, good use of English "
And there was me ready with my stupid, plagiaristic nonsense
"I am not likely to give the OK to porn, "
Ok, Chimpy Whitehouse, whatever you say
" We are aspiring to intelligent discussion "
Which means we all talk shit at the moment and will be enlightened by the Chimpy one?
"(For an example of what I consider low standards, see the discussion boards on the BBC religion website!)"
No. Let's not see.
As you can see, I'm no longer an auditor (strictly speaking, I never was - I just did audity IT stuff). Time for a new work team, time for a change of persona.
Come on - we are a bit behind at the moment - but it has been the holiday season and we are getting through them as fast as possible! There's a lot of reading to be done on here, you know!
I think BBF was referring to the 'new blood' Tony rather than yourself and Mark, they do seem to be a little thin on the ground lately, as far as I can see only neilmc has flagged anything in the last two weeks.
I have no idea whats going on...But congratulations anyway!!
If you wanna hear god laugh tell him your plan.
It's better to be hated for who you are then be loved for who you're not.
Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...
not seen much of them since they were signed up ... specially chimpy and AG ...
have accidents befallen them all ... or was it really a pact with the devil they signed?
being an abc editor is obviously a dangerous thing ... beware!
well I was officially sick with flu for ten days over Christmas. Boxing Day hallucinations on the sofa were about as exciting as it got for me.
But back, and robust as ever.
Feels like I've been away for ages, but it's not that long.
Hello there.
Hope you are feeling better Ferg. Welome back to the land of the (sort of) living.
Actually I wanted some advice ... well from anyone really.
It's about the fact that I can't write - I never really took it seriously so my style is appalling, lacking in structure and consistency, in fact, my literary tool box is empty... oh and I can't spell or punctuate.
Would you recommend a course say at college ... if so which... any good learning tools/ books available or should I just give up and take up recorder lessons?
I think you write very well (I especially like some of your prose) - and I bet I'm not the only one. Obviously the editors also think so as you have many cherries. But I also think we could all use a class or two.
As for your style, I'd use the word unique over appalling...its definitely your own.
ahh thanks Foster, that's really encouraging!
I was thinking about one of the City Lit courses but I may want to start with the primary schools' "word perfect spelling and grammar" series.
I wasn't able to get to a working computer for the holidays as my home computer has some technical glitches (it seems unable to recognise my ABCTales login); ; hence the long absence. We are diligently working to catch up now.
Would it be possible... at some point to have the cherrying system modified so we know which editor gave us the fruit? Even if they just have an editor number like in the old days.
In the days of yore on the sight I had one editor who was a big fan of my work who gave me lots of cherries but this made cherries from other editors more important as when I got one it meant I was broadening my style and reaching people with different tastes..
or am I just being greedy?
Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...
There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -