UK LAW - glasgow
Happy easter to all.
I have got a question and iw as wondering if any of the abctales contirbuters know the answer.
A few months ago this person was arrested in glagsow for an offence which is not really criminal in root. Here is what happened during the arrest. im sure it was illegal and juts tryiog to clarify this independantly.
He was taken earl;y Saturday morning from athe hospital to a police station. he asked for his solicitor to be present in the polcie station. teh custody offcier said he would do this. From saturday morning to monday morning no solicitor appeared. On the monday morning eh was transferred to Glasgwo sherrif courts. Druing the monday eh sat all day in the court cells. No solicitor appeared yet he continually asked to see one.
On monday evening in Glasgow sherrif court cells at about eight pm he was removed form the cells and told he would be spending the night in hmp barlinne as the courts were to busy.
He was taken to hmp prison barlinne glasgow with out being in front of any kind of judge or sherrif nor had he been given a solicitor nor was it expalined to him clearly why eh was being put ina prion when he had not even being in front of any kind of sherrif.
summing up.
So he was put in british prison without seeing a solicitor, over nearly four days in custody ,and then he was taken from the courts to a prison as an unconvicted prison with out even being in front of any kind of judge. No solicitor was present for nearly four days during his time in police custody. This si allr ecodred.
This is surely illegal. Surely in the UK it has to be expalined clearly by a judge with a solicitor present before being put in a prison and surely noone can be put in hmp priosnw ithotu beign front of a judge or a sherrif. Can anyone clarify this was illegal under uk or international law.
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