Goodbye Bad Times

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Goodbye Bad Times

Is there a better record than 'Goodbye Bad Times' by Phil Oakey and Georgio Moroder?

As I type this looking out of the window, watching a man in the house opposite fail to put on a beige jumper, I'm not sure that there is.

Dead pan vocals, Euro-disco, a little sound half way through that sounds like the noise my mobile makes when I get a text message...

What records get your heart pumping and make you feel that there's another world just beyond this one, a world of excitement, emotion and sexy daftness?

It's Hi NRG all the way for me these days...

*punches the air in euphoria*



Oh, god, this is going to sound SO uncool, but one of the pivotal albums in my existence is 'Rio' by Duran Duran! I think it's because I was 13 or 14 at the time, and their videos (combined with Simon LeBon's pseudo-psychedelic poet lyrics) - Sri Lanka, Antigua, jungles, yachts on tropical waters, etc. filled my teenage head with a sense of exotic adventure and a daring existence, the hunger for which I have yet to lose.
Pivotal songs/albums throughout my life:- * 5 years old - 'puppet on a string' by Sandie Shaw and 'Michelle' by The Beatles. These were my first 'puppy love' songs for girls at school. :)) * 5-10 years - must be 'Innocent Man' album by Billy Joel. * 13-16 - albums that changed my life: 'Doolittle' by Pixies. 'Strange Days' by The Doors and 'Jimi Hendrix Radio One Sessions'...especially 'Stone Free.' These were the songs that marked my rebellious, freewheelin' youth!! 17 - 30 - 'Erpland' by Ozric Tentacles and "Camembert Electrique' by Gong. These were the albums that marked the tone of my rebellious, freewheelin' youth slightly curbed by consumption. People currently changing my life: none, but I am exploring sound files at - and liking what I hear. And who can forget 'Pink Bucket' by Kevin the Gerbil - B-side to 'The Roland Rat Rap'. There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

"Camembert Electrique"? Get in. It was "Magick Brother Mystick Sister" that done it for me back then, along with "Doremi Fasol Latido" by Hawkwind (Shhhh...)
Good to be in the company of another Gong fan, Josiedog ;) I've only recently managed to get a copy of 'Magick Brother Mystic Sister' but liking what I hear so far. Re: Camembert Eletrique - it was the haunting recorder break on 'Tried So Hard' that did it for me. :) There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Yan, Get yerself "Bananamoon" by Daevid Allen from around the same time (1970 i think), I'm sure it'll be right up your twisty little street.
And a full set of Kevin Ayers especially whatevershebringswesing - which contains the wonderful lines: Have you seen Miss Clarietta riding round on her Lambretta Pure magic. You're into one aspect of my kind of music now.
Life - Leftfield The Headmaster's Ritual - The Smiths I've Been High - REM On a Plain - Nirvana and... My Life - Billy Joel... my favourite choice at Karaoke!
You know, Alan...I always put you down as being in your late 40's. But if you're into Nirvana, then you can't be. Unless it's an obscure 70's Nirvana? :) No offence if I'm way haven't peaked too early.... just my crap perceptions There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Now you've got me wondering, Yan. What was it I said that made you think I was in my late 40s? My old fart perceptions, probably (my favourite Sisters song - 1959 - might be another clue). So, what would you be expecting to see on the list of someone in their late 40s? What's the cut-off age for liking Nirvana? I'm in my middle-youth, mate. I'm also the world champion late-starter. I'll probably get one of them new-fangled mobile phones in about 2012. Here's another favourite - partly 'cos it reminds me of Six Feet Under... best TV I've ever seen. is external)
**crawls off into corner** There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

In case anyone missed it, try and catch Oona King's Radio 4 programme 'Don't Take Away My Music' when it's repeated again at 3.30 on Saturday afternoon - an entertaining look at dance music and the socio-political scene behind it during the 80s and early 90s. Worth listening to - amongst many other things - for Judge Jules's mix of 'The Great Escape' theme and Tony Benn as hip-hop artist! It doesn't seem to be available on 'Listen Again', unfortunately. is external)
Goodbye Bad Times... Here Comes The Sun... is external)


Even though it's a bit of an angsty, right wing, central European heavy metal hymn of rage, this track - Re Evolution by Sybreed - has a certain charm. Not keen on their politics, but maybe once in a while it's good to be exposed to this sort of thing. is external)
I have a few Placebo albums but I didn't have their cover of Kate Bush's "Running Up That Hill" until my son played it for me last weekend. Lovely rendering of an enigmatic song.
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