The novels of Martina Cole
I have just finished reading the second of two novels by Martina Cole..... I can truthfully say that I have never read anything so sad or so completely miserable. The way she writes is not just down to earth, it's way beneath the earth...but rivetting stuff. I have met and known some unpleasant people in my time some not far removed from the characters depicted so brilliantly in these novels, but her 'world' as she calls it must surely be as awful as you can get. The sheer nastyness of her main characters, the suffering of her women and the tragedy of the children involved leave a lasting image. Like most people I suppose I couldn't help wondering why the women put up with such treatment. Certainly those I knew in that world would not have done do. I thought she overdid the foul language a bit but overall her writing is so powerful that 'Her World' became 'Our World' for me. Still I doubt I will read any other titles of hers. I wouldn't want to meet or be involved with the sort of people she introduces and I don't feel inclined to read more about them in a book.