Stretcher of Faces by fventurini

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Stretcher of Faces by fventurini

Horror is not my thing at all - but this is so well written that it deserves its cherry. Go visit the nightmare, if you dare:

I appreciate the compliment. I was told by my professor that "dream sequences" are cliche in fiction, so when I wrote this I tried to buck the trend and use the cliche to set up the final act of the story. I certainly hope you enjoyed it. Thanks again, Fred V

Fred E Venturini

Interesting idea, kind of like Flatliners crossed with Jacob's Ladder. Certainly worth a read! Cheers, Lisa
I must admit that when I came across the first 'wake up' in the story I thought 'ahh, cop out' but of course it takes another turn.....
I loved it. I posted a review of it on the other thread where you were saying you had just recently returned to this site. I think it deserves a cherry as well. Very well done.
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