George Aligayah by mcmanaman

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George Aligayah by mcmanaman
Anonymous's picture
Is this a story or a poem? I am not sure. I think there should be a story written around this. 500 or so words, building up to this section. Bringing this person alive. The character of 'The Guy Who Announces Royal Death' is nice. I can imagine a huge history and ritual to such a role. A vein to be tapped.
It's a poem. He's alive already. He's on the BBC.


Anonymous's picture
Doesn't read like a poem to me. Reads like a story. SO I say its not a poem. I don't care if he is alive or not. BBC or not. The character could go so far.
"If you can make it there, you'll make it anywhere." BTW, I acknowledge that my quote was completely uncalled for, and poorly thought out.
Liked it a lot, but I think it could be milked a bit more in the first strophe, and the second bit is a little shruggable as an ending. Might be better to end on a really odd death scenario - eaten by zombie-Diana, say. --


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Anonymous's picture
Zombies are always worth a shot. Set it in space.
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