Crap Masseuse by lukewright

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Crap Masseuse by lukewright

I love this - it's funny and it sounds like a song. I'm sure some indie band could make it sound wonderful. Arctic Monkeys? Kooks? Who would do it best?

Very funny! I agree that it's probably better suited as lyrics than poetry. I'm all for free metre, but the lines here stretched the license just slightly too far for me.


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Anonymous's picture
thanks. it does actually fit quite well to music. can't imagine arctic monkeys or kooks doing it. jake thackray was the inspriration. paul, i agree with you it could be tighter, but it's very much a performance piece in my head and it works fine.
Anonymous's picture
i've tighten it up now. thanks for your help paul. i took your suggestion (with one or two running to 15 syllables for better scantion) what was important was that i kept the comic timing, i think it's improved in places too. L.x
definetly found it an easier read and consequently much funnier. Loved the line about Sting. Juliet


Really top. In my head, the line: 'Lighting tea lights with a blow torch you’re really quite a charmer' Would be delivered in performance more like: 'Lighting tea lights with a blow torch, ha, you’re really quite a charmer' The 'ha' being an extra syllable where you smile and look to the audience. There are a couple of mini-conversions to the metre like that that I expect you'd naturally do in performance to accentuate the comedy. But I think the alterations you've made make it work better on the page as well, which is a Good Thing.
A definite improvement. Still a great song though. Jake Thackeray? Yes, I see what you mean - but if a cracking guitar band did it (and you could hear the words) it really would be tops.
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