What is the matter with this site?

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What is the matter with this site?

I have been having real problems with this site. What is the matter? Why do I keep seeing the little blue faced Drupal man and why is the site so slow even when it does work? I wouldn't be mentioning this at all if this site was not the most important site on the net for me.

Is it still doing it today..? It was a problem for me all weekend, but seems a little better today. 'Too many connections' was the drupal error message I think.
Well the Drupal thing seems to have stopped appearing, but the site still demands the patience of a saint to use..... plus no-one's reading my latest story so something has obviously gone terribly wrong! ;-)
The Drupal thing has been driving me nuts all day!


Every time I see that little blue teardrop I feel like crying too.


Drupal just now and generally been very slow over the last two weeks.
I have been struggling to get on here for several days; sometimes i can't even load the front page without the Drupal thing popping up.
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