Faber offer writing courses
From The Guardian on Saturday:
"• Faber's move into creative writing coaching, first revealed here, was initially confined to intensive weekend courses. Now the publisher has advanced into evening-class territory, inviting applications before November 28 for a six-month course on fiction-writing starting in February and led by Louise Doughty, the novelist, 2008 Booker judge, UEA course alumna and author of the self-help book for authors A Novel in a Year. Faber's website (faber.co.uk) sets out the first programme, combining weekly evening workshops with six full-day sessions on Saturdays - the aim is to draw writers with jobs or family commitments that prevent them doing a university MA in creative writing. They will, however, need to stump up £3,500, although one place, decided "solely on literary merit", will be free. Will that person be popular with his or her course-mates? Quite possibly not. - John Dugdale"