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Hello all,
I'm doing my A-level English Language coursework, and want to make a comparison of the portrayal of 'woman' and the archaic language in Keats' 'Sonnets', with the portrayal of 'woman' and the modern language in an equivalent poem.
BUT I can't find a single MODERN poem that is written by a man about a woman! You wouldn't think it would be so hard... :S
If anyone has the slightest hint, I would worship them forever. I'm having a slight breakdown here! A poem with sex, domination, either by the man or the woman.....something that's NOT from the woman's point of view!

Thank you in *crosses fingers* advance (!)

It rather depends on what you mean by modern. Do you mean written in a modern style, eshewing traditional metre and rhyme or do you mean written in modern times, say the second half of the twentieth century? If the latter, I leafed through 'The Nation's Favourite Love Poems' for you and found 4 that might do. A Subaltern's Love Song by Betjamin, Dea Ex Machina by John Updike, Valentine by John Fuller and Lovesong by Ted Hughes. The Updike one is probably closest to what you want. I also think that the Mersey Poets (Roger McGogh, Brian Patten and Adrian Henry) might be worth looking at. Larkin too I'd have thought and lots by Ted Hughes. Surely though, a trawl through the internet should throw up some stuff (the use of the phrase is deliberate). If, however, you're specifically looking for more explicit stuff (as you imply) then you're not going to find much of any great worth as modern male poets seek to avoid being 'labelled' in that way. I'm sure lots of explicit stuff exists but comparing such with Keats or, for example, Marvell's 'To His Coy Mistress' is going to leave you comparing roses to weeds. Any points you make are going to be 'drowned out' by issues of quality. However, I'd suggest you find a list of current male poets through Wikipaedia or whatever and see if any of theirs hit the mark. I can't help much there I'm afraid as much recent poetry written in the modern idiom is not really to my taste. I'm sure there are others on here who may be able to advise you better in that regard. Anyway, good luck. Helvigo Jenkins

Helvigo Jenkins

Thanks for the suggestions; at the end of my hour-long hunt I also unearthed Lovesong by Ted Hughes and thought it might be suitable. The problem is that my initial idea was a little vague; I've had so many other subjects to think about in school that I was literally looking for two poems that were as different as possible,while still being on the same theme, to give me more to analyse. So I need to isolate my question- sorry I wasn't clear. Thanks once again, I really appreciate it. I think I'll go for Hughes! :)
new Lem; All the best sorry can't help not studied poetry.But have couple 2nd ones,shakespeare etc; Try Wiikopedia.spelt it right good luck course,don't forget have a break julie.x
I would strongly recommend any poem from the anthology 'Birthday Letters' by Ted Hughes. Every poem is about his wife, poet Sylvia Plath. Some I can think of from this anthology off the top of my head are 'The Tender Place', 'Fulbright Scholars', 'The Table' and 'Red'. Hope this helps! Magic xxx


Anonymous's picture
What about the love poems of Pablo Neruda?
um, just off the top of my head, I'd say John Betjeman...he's fairly modern I think and he's written a few poems about women and desire :)


Anonymous's picture
...Dickus? I've heard he wanks the highest in Wome.
Erm......guys, I've chosen the poems already. Thanks. :) I do really appreciate the feedback though. I went for Neruda in the end, compared with Keats, then Carol Ann Duffy to emphasise the contextual changes over the centuries, i.e. same-sex relationships being accepted.
Anonymous's picture
good choies. Forgot about her.
You could check at Hubages, worth a try.

Jacky Nealy

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